Question on Magic Tiers

lost spells are obtained through a scroll that details the spell and the process of casting it.

lost magics presumably use a similar (but far weaker) system to ancient magics and hex marks. You find the scroll, and it details a ritual that will allow you to imbue the magic onto yourself through some sort of magic tattoo or other marking.

lost magics are lost/forgotten and ancient magics are ancient, there’s really not that much more to it


damn thought Lost magics were found

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there was no such thing as rare mutations in AA, it was an idea that was scrapped


Meaning lost magics aren’t ancient and ancient magics aren’t lost/forgotten?

ancient magics are older and rarer than lost magic, as it says on the trello


no it wouldn’t be, the hex mark is something that would be imbued on yourself after studying the scroll, however the idea of hex marks is scrapped since it was an idea from when wom was still a fairy tail inspired game


Oh Vetex, hello. Guess you remember me. How are you? What are you doing during outage?

And hope you aren’t angry on me

Who are u?


do you have any idea how little that narrows it down

Oh yeah, you made those:


haha skikl issuez

Yay you remember me

lol you’re the guy whose profile picture was a tiger cub playing in the snow, right?

Yeah I remember, though I doubt Vetex does. Doubt he’s angry, either. You didn’t even do anything that severe.

Maybe, I dunno

Nah, a lot of people come here to criticize the game lol, then they usually get ratio’d by some other forumer or Vetex himself if he happens to be on that day. It’s not that common, but it isn’t rare either. Fuck I used to do that for some time, though I was trolling half the time.

In any case, I doubt he specifically remembers you. Not that serious if you aren’t banned, and you weren’t out here calling people retards iirc.

Well you’re right

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