Questions about PvP and scrounging up matches

I’m entry-level to PvP, I can kill your average ganker but I haven’t had the chance to try my mettle against someone competent, and I’ve been interested in getting better at it 'cause it’s really fun
I’d like to ask those who regularly PvP a few questions:

  • How well do people usually respond to contracts/bounty hunts? If everyone goes “nuh uhh, don’t wanna, go away” or gets mad and toxic then I’m not going to bother
  • How successful are you in asking randoms if they’d like to go at it in Munera? Does it take a while and a couple server hops, or are you chillin and getting fights decently quick
  • What are matchmaking servers like? How mature are the people there? Every time I’ve been in a roblox discord it’s been a less than ideal experience as many members are annoying/immature/maladjusted and I’d rather not expose myself to that

It’s a bit of a turnoff for PvP to have so much logistics and waiting around involved just to get a match started, especially when I can hop on SF6/Strive (bad example)/TF2 and get right into it no hustle no bustle, but what can ya do

Maybe I’ll become the ganker of gankers and roam Ravenna for randoms spawncamping, though they usually run away as soon as they start losing which is boring and annoying
Maybe I’ll zoom around random islands and look for people camping for players returning from dark sea expeditions, though they infinitely respawn in their brig and usually have a friend
Maybe I’ll just beg people for matches at munera like a homeless man begging for change; eventually someone will answer my call and won’t get toxic after I win/lose

how to get good at pvp:

-waste 17 hours of your life for powerful and piercing scrolls

-enchant sunken gear


getting good isn’t the issue, I’m decent in other, harder games and I’ll end up decent here

the issue is finding people to get good against

my bounty hunting experience is mostly positive
i just gank them, don’t say anything, and they don’t say anything in return

i think the pvp community is shit lmao idk i’m not rly in it


btw if ur region is US i wouldn’t mind sparring with u
just like, not today because midterms is railing me hard

why find them?

400 attack size earth builds :angel:

unfortunately I am EU, though thank you for the offer. I hadn’t considered asking for games on the forums, even though I’ve commented on threads like that before
If bounty hunting’s a wordless exchange then I could see myself going for that, I’m just easily dissuaded by even the thought of people going “No”. Always ask for consent :triumph:

you, my good friend, are based

on the higher ranks of the leaderboard it gets way more toxic though, do not aim for leaderboard it’s not worth it

forgot bout that

I’ve heard of how things get in leaderboard pvp, I’m not interested in that

just kill abunch of random people while having their bountys/contracts

I actually do both of these with my casual PVP experience.

I would suggest having some self-respect and always asking people to duel or warning them beforehand. It reduces the chance of toxicity by a lot, and people are basically always fine with it if you don’t surprise them. Some people will refuse to fight if you warn them of a gank, in which case I would leave them alone since you won’t become any better from killing someone who has conceded.

The only time I don’t warn someone for a fight is if they have sinned (e.g. low level killing) or cringe clan or cringe ship decals (If you are respectful then it can take a long time to find a fight, so sometimes you gotta cut corners to get better (This is just mental gymnastics to justify a true gank lmao)).

Asking people to duel at Munera works pretty well. The success rate is somewhat low (depending on the stats of the people you ask), but nobody has gotten mad or retaliated due to my request. If they decline, you should just leave them alone.

Sometimes the dude will say something around the lines of “hold on ima hop on another file” and whip out a 1k+ pk top clan save file. I would advise that you call off the duel since you may not learn much from these fights.

That’s why you make a lot of slowness/damage gels. They’re useful for people who run during a fight for whatever reason or people who don’t play fair (getting ganked). Just have some honor and don’t use them in duels; also remind your opponent to not use any buffs in a duel (There are some people who unironically think its fine).

You may also not want to get posters in a duel, since you may lose and go to jail (if negative rep) or inflate your renown enough to bring “unwanted attention”.

All of my most enjoyable PVP moments or nicest opponents were from people I was nice to or asked to duel. And I’ve actually shed my title as fodder without compromising my ability to have a warm shower or feel sunlight on my skin.

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not like you have to ask for consent

That’s fun, I’ll try to probe them for info and figure out if I’d get steamrolled or if it’d just be a tough match prior to turning them down

That’s something I did not even consider could happen, I forget buffs and debuffs even exist
I’ll look into slowing gel for open pvp, sounds useful for preventing escapes

Grabbing posters for duels you set up stood out to me as an odd decision regardless of inflated renown and jail times, though these are explicit reasons not to do so

Naturally. I’m thinking I at least make my presence known if I’m hunting someone so they can call me off if they’re busy and/or don’t feel like it, or change to a combat loadout and get above 50 hunger so they aren’t at a straight disadvantage

Glad to hear it isn’t miserable, usually there’s one or more guys with >50 kills and big stats in each server who I imagine would be up for a round

Thank you for your insight, gave me more to consider in both duels and open pvp that I hadn’t thought about myself

Add me on discord @ fridgeuchiha my server is full of really good pvp players to spar

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I’ll consider doing so, thank you

Its a clan server, with my allies and clan members, some of us being lb players in the past, some of us still are. Were pretty competitive against eachother its fun

Also, one last thing about asking for duels: You can ask for rematches. If you gank someone who is your skill level - alongisde robbing yourself of a fair fight (because you are starting with a 500 health advantage against someone who isn’t even ready), your chances of asking for a nice rematch with no tensions or cheating whatsoever is quite low.

The one time I fought a mage who wasn’t annoying, not a pushover (like the average player who just got to max level and probably has 10k renown and no pks), and close to my skill level was the time I asked for a duel nicely. And they asked for 6 rematches! This player was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in this games PVP.

I think rematches can be quite valuable sometimes, and you lose the option for those if you start with a “bad impression”.


ehh you may get killed mentally by hunting

i just ask them right then and there, only if they are actually talking in chat

i would say mature but dead often (just me maybe)

you dont need consent unless hero