Quick vent about the meta

I chose wind just bc I like it, not because it’s “meta”. But now people will assume i’m a metamancer whenever they see me in game ;-;


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I LOVE glass cannon builds

Say thanks to tier lists

I do have to thank the tier lists for placing Ice in C tier. Nobody will know of the terror I spread with my 40% bleed damage multiplier, or of the menacing aura I gain if I’m under a raincloud.

I think metamancers like playing the meta and that’s their choice, I like playing niche styles more because that’s more fun for me. Metamancers usually aren’t insanely good.

Bro you gotta play so sweaty against metamancers/people using meta magics tho it’s not even fun, I just wanted to listen to an Ed Sheeran parody.


And I remembered how Shadow was hated on.

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fucking cap that’s like 50%

I just abuse the magic bugs which give you an unfair advantage in pvp which is more common among low tier magics hence the reason why I use explosion

purple acid since the first open test!!! :muscle:

Explosion Winning :muscle:

id change the 10% to the
10% being able to predict when a blast will hit you and you have to parry it

I think that falls under the “Skill” category.


19th gen shadow file time

but the fighting is client sided
so you literally cannot see if its gonna hit or not

Thats true but prediction and timing is still going under the skill category.

i only made water for when second magics come out so i can freeze lol

i barely pvp and i only have Water file ( with a pretty bad build cuz i dont pvp with it) and Poison file ( with a decent build)

idk what the meta is cuz i don’t pvp.

meta: whomst’ve summoned the ancient one badtime

wtf no
its literally 60% your ping, 45% your magic and 5% skill :joy:

its 70% ping, 29% skill, 1% stats


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