Randomness's Worldbuilding Shenanigans

Oh i really neglect this topic still anyway so I read through Rift again last night , it’s not actually as bad as I remember it to be. Won’t be writing any more for it for a while I just wanted to look back at some characters and remember whether I gave Commander Zion a full name.

Nope Zion does not have a full name nice


Woah politics on a lego game forum!!
A lot of names were autogenerated by Azgaars, I keep the ones I like and forget to change the ones I don’t. I mostly like all the country names but the states themselves are a bit iffy sometimes.

Anyway, a quick summary of politics for my world

  • Very few people are strong enough to form a long lasting singular nation
  • This leads to many countries instead being a group of smaller states rather than a whole
  • We can label four categories onto all nations
  1. Meganations - Huge, powerful nations with self sufficiency in most part. Includes,
    The Impexis Regnum (IM-pex-iss-reg-NUM)
    The Republic of Daybreak
    (Formerly) The Stamstani Republic
    The Principality of Saltlia
    Shogunate of Nishifubetu and the Koro Republic (knee - she - foo - bet - ooh)
    Thvetherinese (Thve-the-inknees [Imagine feather the knees]) Divine Empire (Technically* There are two opposing sides within the state, Xiquan and Lefran. It can be argued due to the political separateness of these two sides and the five Districts (Notably Tseun and Heung) , that this would fit into a different category)

  2. Groups of states, tribes, or the like. Includes,
    Athraristoseian Conglomerate (Literally, the combined states of the Athraristoseian Waters.) The autogenerated names by Azgaars are quite funny for this one, I personally like the Conglomerated Psychrolis State. (Afra -risotto - ian)
    Kingdom of Laku
    Uilikia Tribes

  3. Smaller nations which survive, I guess
    Teliodesian Desposate (Alright I saw the word Desposate and was interested, is that alright with you)

  4. Ones which don’t fit in, and the reasons why.
    Kaninahia Council - Literally just some separatists
    Dawnbandian Federation - Technically two independent countries, joined together to make the equivalent of a Meganation
    Rirossian Commonwealth of the Sky - Powerful enough to be a Meganation, but made up of three dependencies which after hundreds of years of political talk, have yet to be formed into one
    Draco Rathralaxor - A bunch of tribes with dragon people in. Have a joint capital state but run their own affairs.
    Lost Kingdom of Draco Royal - Lost kingdom, shh don’t tell anyone.
    Grand Court Lands - Just a really powerful group of peacekeepers with a prosperous state of theirs.

Okay hopefully that’s all
Please ask me questions about the world or it’s people, I come up with ideas so much better when prompted. I’ll try and answer anything.

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Rewriting chapter 1 of rift. Didn’t like it much. Or the rest of the chapters so expect a full revamp.

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New Town: Kald El Viern, Impexis Regnum

  • A rich Naval town and home of General Damascus. Was one of the three main strongholds under siege during the main part of the Stamstani War, along with Frigus Ferrum Al Seir and Ishak El Seir.

  • The new addition of “El” and “Al” to some of the town names are representative of military and cultural importance. The “Seir” and “Viern” have no meanings yet, but are probably symbols of geographical or political locations.

(Oh yeah and this is officialy a city name now)

You. I like you, I LOVE this writing, and PLEASE if I could ever show you my writing, tell me. This world is amazing and I would LOVE to read your chapters so hurry up and post those damn chapters!!! (just kidding about hurrying but this is really cool!)

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Thank you!

I’d be willing to read something. I’m still procrastinating on finishing Crimson’s 90 page long thing though so it might take a while.

Will try to, C1’s rewrite is going well.

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I just chose BIG. like… BIG. BIG MAP. BIG BIG BIG. I’m still working out coloring nation lines and such, but yeah I went BIIIIIIIIG

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I like all the islands. One of my biggest regrets is just having this supercontinent, so I’m probably going to expand the world with some more islands and stuff down south, along with a giant barren superdesert as a band across the lower half of the planet.

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You are now my favorite person here. @sock aint got anything on you (I’m joking slime but I did your summoning ritual get over here)

Ooo! I chose to have the fire god’s land as the bottom continent, which, yes they are cut off but there is lore for that (imagine minecraft world border but add entities from the depths of despair to protect it!), but I always GOTTA give credit to island-based worlds because they just…

They just POP, y’know? They are just simply better.

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Real quick question, how did you do the biome and the height map? Or the cultural map at that?

Using Azgaars, I go over to tools where I can configure heightmap, biomes, states, culturemaps etc by selecting the tool then basically just painting on where I want everything to be with these options.

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You are now god and I worship thee.

Chapter 1 is real.
Rift, Chapter 1: The Prince - Writing / Advanced Writing - Arcane Odyssey

An importance on Birds

In Impexis culture, birds are held to a high regard.
Since their land is completely isolated from the rest of the world and there’s only 1 land based passage, and one or two sea based ones, they hold animals which fly as special.
It’s common tradition for both families and military units to implement the animals into their emblems.

Akos is represented by a Falcon, which symbolises both freedom and order for the people of the Frostlands. In order to send messages, they often use trained birds to carry them from city to city rather than heading their on horseback. This practice was especially common during the Great Stamstani War.

Akos trains his own falcons, which live in the palace and hunt for rodents in the city.
The symbol of Akos’ Royal Guard, the Second Division is a crowned falcon.

However this does not mean that everyone apart of his guard adopts that symbol. For personal matters, General Damascus uses a Vulture upon a shield, whilst Iri Blossom uses a dove - however she also uses a dove and a falcon circling a crown in Royal Guard business.

Ledus Frost utilises a Condor with spread wings, and Commander Zion uses a unique species of northern Goldfinch.

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I have been writing

trust me it’s just

Fallenfire Lore

Icarus is a strange character. Let’s make him actually have character.

  • Icarus was originally not called Fallenfire, and he chose the name for the purpose of intimidation.

  • The Name Fallenfire is derived from a phenomena in the Nishinos Tropics, where particles in the sky will occasionally catch alight and fall like close to earth deadly shooting stars. The official name for this phenomena is a Fielnflaerreh (Fiel-en-flar-uh), which Icarus got his name from.

  • Icarus was born in a strict Martial family and his father (Who was a soldier) trained him in the arts of combat and war.

  • He disliked the thought of becoming a soldier, and killed his father at the age of sixteen, running away.

  • Icarus found a place near the border of Teledosia where the presence of Rift Energy means time does not pass as it should. For five years he trained there for forty hours a day.

  • In this place, he found a mysterious amulet, I wonder what that does?

  • Afterwards, for three years he spent his time killing people he ran into, targeting important people specifically.

  • He is currently Twenty One

  • Math that maths, forums.

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Finally finished it hopefully its alright
Rift, Chapter 2: The Judge - Writing / Advanced Writing - Arcane Odyssey

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I’ve procrastinated on writing this so much. Pretty difficult writing in the style a lot of creation mythos, but I tried.

Despite most people agreeing on the existence of Deities, Rifts, Functions etc in the universe, there are still multiple disagreements on specifics, especially behind the creation of mortals.
One group of Draco scalae believe in this specific story:

One day, Death grew bored of the Deities actions. It left from the Rifts and It’s home in Everything, and came down through the Space and the Sky towards two beautiful but deserted islands. On the way, a huge storm blocked the path of Death, so It took a piece of Thunder in one hand, and a piece of Wind in the other, shaping them both into magnificent Dragons. Giving these creations life through its own energy, Death freed them, stating “My Children, you will be the Guardians of Air and Thunder, live well.”
Next, Death came across a mountain, where huge cascades of water fell down into pools as large as countries. It took the rock in one hand, and the liquid in another, shaping them into two more Dragons. Giving them some of Its own energy, Death said, "You are the Guardians of Land, and Ocean, live well.
Finally, Death took a piece of the Star, creating one last Dragon. To this, It said "You are the Guardian of Flames. Burn bright, and live well.

Afterwards, It returned to the Rifts, however without guidance, the Dragons eventually grew jealous of the domains of their siblings. They each created tribes out of their bones and scales to fight for them as loyal soldiers.
For thousands of years the islands were submerged in conflict, until the greedy God Auctoritas stepped in, seeing an opportunity for power. He placed a King on the largest of the two islands, who was twice the size of any other mortal, sixteen times as strong, and proclaimed it a monarchy to prosper forevermore. Under the Tyrant’s leadership, the Dragons and their tribes realised their similarities and shared goal of freedom. They overthrew the King in a violent rebellion, uniting their tribes and creating peace since for the Dragons and their tribes.

Other groups believe that Auctoritas was never taking advantage of the situation, or even that Death never created the Dragons and instead there was a single God who ruled them all.
No wars have broken out since, however many bar fights have.

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