Randomness's Worldbuilding Shenanigans

I forgor

Okay uhh to make up for it I’ll write something today probably not long though.

Don’t rush the process! Relaxing and self care are important too, my friend.


Despite them being the weakest form of pure God, Divinities are by far the most rare and most unique. After the Rifts do not give him an answer to his pressing question, Akos turns to searching for living Divinities. Akiro joins him in the hope for finding clues towards his father’s secrets.
Dulzura joins under the pretence of updating the Grand Court Records on Divinities.
They search all records they can find, and one by one follow a breadcrumb trail of Divinity after Divinity.

They discover the identities of a few, on the clock to stay ahead of Icarus, who is also after Divinities for his own more murderous reasons.

Bead Pou’ette

Bead Pou’ette is a famous war poet who lived in the Impexis Regnum during the Stamstani War. Afterwards he moved south, to a small island somewhere or other.
His only ability is the awareness that he is apart of a narrative.

Zane Zephyr

Zane Zephyr is the father of Akiro Zephyr, killed by Icarus before Lumi was born, he is the second Eternal God, after Death. Zane was known by various names as a God, The Wind of Souls, Gentle Wind, etc. His ability is to protect the souls of the Dead from harm. This ability persists after demise. After thousands of years of life, he settled down and started a family, teaching Akiro in his youth how to use the Tempestas Gladius - Storm Blade.

The Bridge

The Bridge is a relatively niche Deity, head of the Scientific Institute of the Bridge, The Star and the Holy Rifts which is totally not a cult. It has the ability to grant blessings of Secondary Rift energy in increased amounts. The gang encounter this guy in their search, being captured and almost sacrificed to the giant mining gun attempting to blow a hole in the Event Horizon of the Rifts. The Bridge Reaction, named after themselves is where you transfer energy violently through a catalyst. However, unfortunately the easiest way to activate the reaction is killing someone and using their energy to basically start the flow of more energy. This reaction can be used in a multitude of ways but at the moment it’s been used for mad cult stuff & genocide only.


Those are the three I have so far, however I’m thinking of having one with sound based abilities because that sounds pretty cool ngl.

okay next I’ll either write some of Chapter 3 or a thing about Akos


Akos Frost

When I think about him more, I realise Akos isn’t a very good person. Not to say he’s a bad character - as I think his downsides give him a lot more needed depth.
He abandons his duties as Heir to the Impexis Throne and Prince of Frost to search for answers to The Question. He’s selfish, taking Dulzura away from his duties to travel with him. He acts harshly, and strips the power from Damascus, putting his friends in positions of power.

However I think that he’s also persevering, despite his motive being a consuming obsession with answering his Question. After becoming the Demigod of the Function Randomness, he becomes quite unstable, struggling to contain the evil chaos god tearing him apart.

In terms of position, he is King Ledus’ son and a member of the Royal Family, hence he is granted Magic, specifically the Ice Magic of the Frost Bloodline. He is heir to the throne, politically important for the Regnum, whilst also he’s the Prince of Frost, technically a military role, positioned under the King but on the same level as the Marshalling Council. Due to this Akos can manipulate Damascus even if the General was appointed directly by Ledus Frost.
Fun fact, as the title ‘Prince of Frost’ has nothing to do with his family name, Akos Frost could be referred to as Prince Frost, Prince of Frost.

His full title is something stupid like Prince Akos Frost, Prince of Frost, Heir to the Regnum’s Throne, The Voice of Randomness, Function, God of Chaos.


Akos, the prince of frost, when the steel, fire, fighting, and rock gang walk in:

Randomness airstrike

On skibidi?!?

rizzious skibittle sigm3

How did you even get here

Akos frost when I have to resort to protocol 4

For the operation: Fanum tax Ohio

:acid_magic_var2: :eye: :acid_magic_var2:

The Ancient Language of Gods

The Gods, before creating whatever mess they did with mortals, created a language. Although rarely used nowadays, you still sometimes see words from it in places and the names of Gods. I nickname it “botched latin” because basically it’s latin sounding words and eh I guess that’s good enough. Where it shines though is with it’s script, which was phonetic and contained many symbols that represented different sounds. Ages ago I created a few which I’ll now translate a couple via the wonderful medium of paint.

Most countries who do use Ancient words will write it in their simplified script, which for the sake of simplicity is the standard latin alphabet. There were no capitals in the script of the gods and generally punctuation was limited, with sounds more flowing together as one.

One example of a modernised version of the ancient language is the name of Akos’ country, the Impexis Regnum. Although latin - english will give you… an interesting response, in the Ancient Language of the Gods, it means something like “Kingdom of Icicles”.

here it is in the Ancient Language of Gods.
note that P and B sounds have different symbols if they’re followed by a vowel and an h,

okay that’s it, I have more unshown symbols but I’m horrible at translating them over.

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Naval Forces

The Impexis Regnum is huge. There’s no doubt about that. It has the largest size (Including Stamstani Territory), the longest coastline by far, the most cities and takes up the majority of the Frostlands now that it’s rival Stamstani is gone. Due to this, it has developed a huge naval force, which attributed to its victory in the last year of the war. Once the Siege of Frigus Ferrum Al Seir was won, they spent time developing small, nimble but fast ships which could sail in the less treacherous waters across the coastline. To avoid the band of icebergs which sat north of Hesvog El Viern, these small ships had to sail in shallower waters. The iceberg band didn’t extend westwards, towards the Regnum’s main trading routes, or around Stamstani. In these areas, larger ships patrol and trade. Due to Stamstani not attempting to cut past the icebergs, the east of the Impexis Regnum managed to hold during the war at the Ishak Line, due to trade connections with Rirossosia and the Grand Courts which could make their way to coastal cities such as Seben Crie and Hesvog El Viern.
As the war came to its end, a new type of ship was developed. Unlike the smaller combat ships or larger trade ships, the newest member of the fleet was created with a new emerging steam-engine technology. This allowed the ship to move faster than other ships. Along with this, steam was pumped through the ship’s metal hull, heating it up. This made the newest addition a beast, as well as having a larger carryload than all their other vessels, it could glide though treacherous iceberg filled waters easily, allowing the Impexis Regnum to finally connect with areas such as Heung and Daybreak, which was previously limited by a lack of naval travel and Stamstani presence. Now the ship is used for diplomatic purposes rather than it’s intended purpose of combat, bringing diplomats to Daybreak and the Eastern Heung Fortresses. A second ship is in production, which will serve the western side of the country and bring diplomats to Rirossosia.

The Hec Navy Impexis, Naval forces for the Regnum consists of nine ranks, one Marshal, three Admirality Ranks, three Commodore Ranks, and two soldier ranks.

  • MARSHAL Grand Admiral
  • Admiral
  • Vice Admiral
  • Lower Admiral
  • Commodore
  • Captain
  • Vice Captain
  • Upper Pro Maris
  • Lower Pro Maris

The Grand Admiral, assigned by the Marshalling Council is the figurehead of the Naval forces.
Admirals, of which there are three, are the highest commanding leaders of the Navy and are the central force in controlling the fleets. Vice Admirals are tasked with ensuring the commands of Admirals are carried out. Lower Admirals will command their own ship, and run a group of up to five other Commodores. Commodores command their own ship. along with a few others under them. Captains each run one ship, Vice Captains assist with this. Pro Maris are the everyday fighting force, serving as both sailors and naval infantry. They are split into a lower grade and an upper, more experienced grade.
In total, the Impexis Regnum’s navy amounts to about seventy five separate ships, most of them small attack ships remaining from the war. This leaves them with the largest naval force in the world, although the Nishifubetu Shogunate might argue that their lack of larger ships leaves it weaker than their own.

Now, create a full language




do it

please I’m begging you