Rank the curse users

He blew up the world twice compared to morock, the featless wonder

he did this because he was actively being bodied by theos lol, and wasnt even intentional, he was struggling so hard when at this point he had minimum 3 curses and all base magics + a few mutations, theos was only like 100 lol

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This is not helping your point, he was getting the shit beat out of him and was about to die but still accidentally summoned enough power to blow up earth and fuck the environment for thousands of years, creating the dark sea making large portions of the earth uninhabitable

yeah, he still lost with ALL THAT POWER to a guy with 2 mutations and 0 curses lol

He had barely any combat experience because he was used to just walking into fights and stealing their shit of course he would struggle against the greatest magic user in history who spent all of his time training to protect his village if his main strategy (stealing shit) didn’t work on him

He had the strongest curse of all time how is it crazy

yea durza is a bitch he has 0 skill lol he would be folded in every single fight he quite literally is fodder

morrock on the other hand died to water when at sea, whilst fighting a skilled curse user who held up an entire sea cluster spanning government that was able to actively assert itself over the richest islands within the cluster so
L durza W goatock

Durza is a little bitch obviously but he’s stronger than morock was

you saying this is wild and proves you do not know what you’re talking abt so :person_shrugging:

Cursebeard v morock when Cursebeard splashes morock once with the tide curse (instantly dead)

Morden is extremely powerful with the death curse but he’s a bitch with it because he has no idea how to fight you can be strong and stupid brother

morden can actually progress the development with his curse, because he has his own physical (and magic) energy

durza CANNOT develop either his magic or his curses because he does not have his own minds or physical energy

durza is fodder when compared to any competent magic or curse user

Mind providing a source for that

durza is confirmed to have no minds of his own as stated in the lore document, these magics cannot develop as the minds are not his.

durza is a spirit, he does not have physical energy to pull from lol

All that says is that he can’t mutate them it never says he can’t get stronger with them what are you talking about

he cant make his magics stronger because the minds are not his, as seem in AA, your magics scale with your mind lol

Even if that is true, it doesn’t matter because he can still grant the power to people he revives and control them

who are also pathetically weak seeing as the revived prometheus was able to be scaled with people like theos and the peacekeeper lol

Did you forget that arguably one of the strongest humans in lore, pk, was revived by durza?

was accidently revived by durza, and also cannot be compared to any of durzas other creations because the peacekeeper spent 800 years floating in the magic polluted ocean