Rant about rants

stop ranting about every single thing that you can think of its just getting idiotic at this point. [insert long paragraph of text that I’m too lazy to type here]

rant about rants about rants

stop ranting about every single rant that you can think of its just getting idiotic at this point.

XD HAHAHAHA!!! THIS IS HILARIOUS! THE TITLE THE REPLY JUST EVERYTHING!!! “Rant about rants” XD lol and I just did an off topic reply (I guess) on an off topic topic.

my brain hurts

we rant because we want to unleash our inner hitlers and want other people to adopt our radical opinions


bruh sounds like people getting tired of amogus memes, but its rants instead

rant nazi

Rant About (who the fuck CARES)

Next up, the official rant about rants about rants


My one is the best one since it has the least words :sunglasses: