Rant About School

Mostly because half the information is irrelevant to the job we will actually get later on


Cause it’s all boring af

Some schools don’t teach Roman numerals on the basis of thinking it’s an outdated concept. Luckily, I was able to learn it by myself by looking up on it.

I can agree with that tbh, for example, unless you plan to be a Mathematitian or something, the majority things you learn in Maths would probably never be used once you leave school. Don’t get me wrong, some of the things in Maths can be really useful in daily life but there’s just some things that you will most probably never use at all

“What’s the powerhouse of the cell?”


“You’re hired!”



That’s the only thing I remember from Biology and I dropped that subject back in 2018 iirc

kekek, same

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if schools only taught you about math then most children would likely never develop an interest in fields of work not directly associated with it. that also means you’ll have people wasting their lives away in jobs they don’t enjoy. medical professionals don’t need to remember the history of the united states times because its not needed to resuscitate a dying patient. College and high school are different as you likely already know what profession you would like to work with, so if you want to become a engineer can can choose not to take classes that aren’t relevant to the job you want.

Also, if you don’t teach people about basic science and history you get antivaxxers.


Yes, but also there are still core classes you have to take otherwise you cannot graduate

at my school biology and that stuff are required, so is math and 2 years of a language, and english classes and two years of humanities such as history and economics, and there are still classes in college that you are required to have taken to graduate, though to a lesser degree. So no, it’s still not perfect

Most people know the roman numerals from minecraft enchanting system tbh so it ain’t really needed to be taught.


ngl all math past elementary is useless unless you want to be a physicist or some shit like that

Or engineer

engineers use multiplying negative numbers? that’s wack bro

I don’t hate school. I just hate some dumbasses who attend it without being punished properly when they need to be. And then you get those 2-3 teachers who always screech like spamming a pokĂ©mon move.

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Eh, but they can use the stuff like geometry and that kind of stuff

wtf??? this is not a private school thing

is public school just storming normandy

Public school sucks ;-;

There are a lot of Karens as teachers in a lot of public schools :frpensive:


i think this video explains it best

nah it isn’t that bad from my experience, though i live in a decent area ig