Rant about Suncry's "Morals and ethics"

Understandable, but still. your guild already has over 1.2k infamy points ABOVE the second leading guild. and yes, people still do say many things about other guilds. as of now the only problem is with the top 2 guilds. who are rking every player they see that is rkable. I understand that we are “coming” for your guild, but we are just trying to prove a point. which the shit posts, have made clear.

Yeah, I have no idea how to close a post. Best just leave it dry :man_shrugging:

That’s unfortunate :pensive:

I’m glad to see that you all were so understandable. if you would like to discuss more you can just DM me, @ Gaybe#1094

the salt is strong with this one

Bro am I late to this discussion?

Damn, Ima go :bread::leg:

Yeah, though the shitposts have died down though

yeah. same here

you dont need bad rep to kill good reps, that only works with npcs and bosses, it really shows that you are really unexperienced and only made a post out of rage :clown_face:

you dont need bad rep to kill good reps

It was done to prevent getting fines from killing good reps most likely (not confirmed) as when a good rep kills a good rep they lose ~100 crowns

Suncry is still using alts to farm guild >:c

Suncry is still using alts to farm guild >:c

Please do take that with a grain of salt as it’s not confirmed but more so speculation

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Actualy this is false. If you are not in a guild, and you have positive rep, and kill a fellow positive rep, your rep would go down, if you didnt pay the fine that was overly expencive. This has change for the guild update as of now, you are now able to kill a fellow high rep, if you are in a guild, without etting fined a HUGE amount of money. next time you make a shit post, think more about it.

bruh latom is where it’s at :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

If everyone else is dead isn’t there peace?

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We are forced to rk because the game forces us to rk

If everyone else is dead isn’t there peace?

Damn you got me there

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

You can hold PKs outside of ancient colis and abandoned arena, you don’t need to necessarily “A person is fishing/being afk/doing a quest” and then immediately try to murder him

We are forced to rk because the game forces us to rk

I hate talking about polemic stuff but
just making clear that this image was taken about 1-3 hours after the guilds update came out
we just grouped out while farming infamy and took a screenshot
at this point we were really rking anyone we could, but not a specialized group for this
since im bad at pvping and most of us
But That’s it, flame me however you want