[Rant] AO was not "inspired" by deepwoken

inconsequential rant about an inconsequential game!!!

2022 frez

deepwoken obviously inspired real life, how dare you doubt it

uhhjhh perfECT BloCKING!!!

UhhHHhhH hAS MAGIC!@!!!

perfect blocking is also a garbage mechanic please change my mind

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If parrying/perfect blocking is so bad, why it exists on so many games?

people thinking it apparently takes skill to time an F press for some reason.
despite the fact that almost every fucking time you land one it’s on complete accident.

Unless Perfect Blocking is supposed to be a sort of RPG Mechanic kinda like those small little minigames in the Mario and Luigi RPG series of games (which, unlike the small battle minigames in those games, it isn’t fun in the slightest), and not a get out of jail free card like it is in so many fighting games where it punishes your opponent for something that you should have been punished for yourself by being a fucking dumbass and playing too aggressively.

Not to mention that I run on potato wifi so I’m pretty much crippled by this mechanic

Actually AO copied the Bible because both have humans in them

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Arcane Odyssey is definitely a ripoff of Assassins Creed Black Flag
who also ripoff Pirates of the Caribbean

Me after blocking, parrying, and dodging all the water multi-blasts the large floating sky cotton is spamming me with

how tf is this even a debate and why cant the deepwoken-tards just enjoy their mid tier game?


this is hilarious ya’ll are taking this far too seriously

no you’re wrong, let me show you
so as you can see the boat was invented in around 3000 to 4000 bc

and here you can obviously see that deepwoken predates that

so ancient humans were so inspired by deepwoken that they decided to add boats to real life and vetex stole it from deepwoken stupid :roll_eyes:


I don’t know if you did that on purpose or not.
you got how BC works backwards, it go down, not up.

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if its not obviously a joke its probably an accident because i am unironically stupid

i dont fucking care


honestly i think the initial release of DW will be better than most of AO’s life

Won’t argue against that.

DW made like…100 million robux on release and had 30K players minimum.

AO is the continuation of a cult classic so I see a 20K-30k peak, likely higher

what im saying is that DW’s release will be better than AO, but not DW in of itself. I think DW will die some day and so will AO but to be honest, the first week of DW felt magical lol. it just doesnt have that great mysterious atmosphere that it used to have ya kno?

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Bruh, AO Copied AA, get on with the times.
(this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke)

Used my microsoft rewards to get the additonal robux to buy the game… and… its okay.

Thats basically it, since im not really a real good player against npcs and other players i end up dying alot… and this happened for like idk 40 hours or something?

Deepwoken is basically a game that gives you multiple heart attacks due to basically almost dying or being chased.