Rant: Iris is not attractive, the community's warped image of her is

live execution of this person when?

Even better :grin:

(I even gave you the option to turn it into a joke relevant to AO, but you just dug your grave even deeper)

2 days 20 hours and 13 minutes

you should update that every second just for a reminder

what has this topic come to

It looks like the bear guy made a joke in bad taste. Best not to worry too much he’ll learn eventually.

What can I say? They’re never dry

three months. why.

We have to remind the people that I AM THE ORIGINAL MARIA SIMP :muscle:

please piss off


ngl maria’s kinda fine tho

I’m giving you bottom surgery with a chainsaw in two hours.

wrong, i made the first Maria Thirst Post and Dreamkeeper commissioned Maria art
you are but a fool and a fake

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why did this get necroed

NOOOO (full sentence)

Get in line