Ravenna Discussion

ravenna leak: it’s an island

Really i thought it was a person?

I mean like mentions of Ravenna from already existing things in AO

maybe, i haven’t seen it, i’m just assuming its an island

hmm, not much is talked about it, we just know it’s a big kingdom/empire whatever you want to call it

Im just joking bro i dont actually think ravennna is a person

Does Ravenna have to do with the player?
“I’ll send you back to Ravenna as a pile of ashes”
It’s certainly a major area in the Bronze sea

i was joking myself.

The running theory is that iris thought we were from Ravenna as a law enforcement of some sort threatening her(maybe cause she has flare magic and she thinks we’re gonna capture her to experiment on her or smth) but later we resolve the misunderstanding and such

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some people actually do i think

oh ok neat
do this more often

This feature was broken for me with reminders for AO 2 so not really a lot I could have done there

I for some reason thought revanna was like some sort of afterlife lmaoo

Mf the last mention of ravenna before yesterday was “trip to Ravenna”

Tfw the player fucking dies in the first sea

what basis are they using for this? i dont remember anything much being said about ravenna or iris

Like I said it’s just a theory, but I feel like there’s some merit, cause iris says “… back to Ravenna” so she thinks we’re from there to begin with. And what it seems like is that frostmill is also under the control of Ravenna granted that the one on frostmill and the one in fort talos are the same

Plus her title is “the anomaly” which is probably because she has a lost magic for being a relatively weak magic user at her current state.
And you know the trope of evil government wanting to experiment on extraordinary person because of special ability so they can use it for themselves. So I’m thinking it’s that kind of thing


thank you for such a groundbreaking contribution to society

oo very interesting actually

the possibility of her being a special case is very high

Hence the name anomaly