Ravenna Discussion


I meant just the bronze sea
But I didn’t know it would really take that long but maybe “almost wrapped up” was a bit of a understatement lol.

when i asked “how big will ravenna be” in the qna they answered, but replaced “ravenna” with “largest island” and said it’d be around the size of castlian shore

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I knew someone mentioned Ravenna in the qna, I swear I wasn’t crazy

I hope whatever happens at Ravenna is the end of act 1 and the story begins to hit its stride starting there

I wanna see some cool shit happen even if u don’t really play the game for the plot


We have known it was a place since Iris mentioned it

Honestly I first thought ravenna was the mayor of frostmill or something

Mayor oswald

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oswald dead lol

We’re 8 days into Ravenna. Ideally it would be cool if he could finish it within the next couple days, but it could easily take until nearly the end of the week.

The three towns all likely have a bunch of NPCs you can speak to as well as enemy NPCs like guards, soldiers, etc. .

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