Recent amulet changes

I’m tired of having to clarify but this is not targeting the balance team or people who weren’t involved in this

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ngl I don’t really care as much for the sunken nerfs I have 2 chests I don’t use and cernyx amulet buff was really needed since it was nerfed like 2 times

boohoo the super grindy item is outclassed by an entire one efficiency point
it’s not like you can equip an amulet and a sunken helm at the same time anyway

This is why you should always value your time over some dumb virtual item, this kinda stuff happens everytime in any game

fair amulets are rarer than an entire sunken set what are you talking about

lofef my glorious platypus king

Before this, modified fair amulets were completely outclassed by both other modified gear and even boss gear, this is a good change.

Me already running a Blasted Fair Power Amulet be like

It’s not about the singular efficiency point, but rather about how a singular common chest loot item can be on the same level (+ SLIGHTLY more efficient) than a fucking sunken which can take HOURS AND DAYS to grind

I got my first sunken after 1972 or something fish and I have never gotten a singular other one without luck

Sunkens are grindy af

i mean sunkens levels til max so u dont really have to worry about it being powercreeped in the far future

I don’t know if you counted gems, and on top of that sunken can use the atlantean modifier while only a allready chart modified amulet can be more effecient than a sunken
(nvm you counted gems but my point about atlantean still stands)

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Blasted power amulet users… Rise!

yeah this shit Is why I can’t get invested into gearing anymore


I suppose the changes make sense but it does scare me for grinding for future modified amulets, fair amulets will only exist so soon!

  • It’s likely that this will not even be relevant in the far future due to constant balance changes changing stuff
  • there will be new options to choose from, because fair is most likely not going to be the final Amulet
  • This can take an unspecified amount of time

the guy in the screenshot is not me but you’re right, the atlantean modifier is infact better. though with much less people playing the game casually anymore to even go to the Dark Sea to get one, this one relatively rare item has been becoming rarer and rarer.

While I would agree it shouldn’t be completely left out when considering this, I think we can all agree that a fucking AMULET shouldn’t be this close in efficiency as a minmaxxed sunken

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You hold a good point midnight… The rarest armor set(s) in the game being outclassed by something we have shiploads of… Its a little concerning for sure

it’s not like it completely replaces sunken helm
you do have two other accessory slots
also the best gear shrimply shouldn’t be locked behind something that “takes HOURS AND DAYS to grind” :person_shrugging:


good. the rarest item in the game should not be necessary for builds

yeah exactly, even if amulet were more effecient, sunken helm would be #2 more effecient and therefore appear in all best sets since you have 3 slots

Also keep in mind this person is accounting for lvl 130 Amulets, and not lvl 140 Amulets.


Lvl 140 Agility, Atk Spd, Size, Intensity, Resilience, Regeneration, Armor Piercing Amulets are 104 with this change.

Power goes from 30 to 34, and defense goes from 332 to 381.

With same stat modifiers, Atk Spd, Intensity, and Size would be going from 104 to 125. With same stat enchants they’ll go as high as 161 now.

Power going to 41 on Blasted, and 52 on Powerful. Defense going to 458 on Frozen and 592 on Armored.

Which is really nice, and i ain’t complaining.


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