Recommendations for Magics

meta magics are the worst in the game

In pvp? Well, I’d say sand is better since it’s average speed but a bit better than average damage, but it’s not too groundbreaking. Still cool though

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sand has the highest base impact damage of any magic besides iron, gold and earth
idk why sand hits like a fucking truck its literally just sand vetex

You’ve never been hit by a falling skyscraper have you?

you cast sand magic
it hits their eyes
big ouch

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gonna give ghost a chance and ask what a good strategy for running a hypothetical :lightning_magic_var2: / :iron_magic_var1: warlock build would be


idk I wanna hear advice

I mean there’s no damage synergy here but apparently div said it has potential for being a good combo both long range and close range

Not a bad combo by any means, but there are much better options out there as far as synergies go. You’re right about each magic covering for the other’s weaknesses fairly well; Iron makes up for Lightning’s lackluster damage, Lightning makes up for Iron’s terrible speed, Iron makes up for Lightning’s small AoE, and so on.

If you’re looking for a combo for either of these elements that provides a damage increase while also covering for the other’s weaknesses, I’d have to recommend Metal [:iron_magic_var1:] and Acid [:acid_magic_var1:] , or Lightning [:lightning_magic_var1:] and Sand [:sand_magic_var1:] .

I wanted to try acid and iron (20% damage boost from corroding :cold_face: ) with a rushdown build but the problem is I have no idea what theme that’s meant to be

as for a sand file I already have one and the one shown here is kinda lackluster anyways since lightning clears sandy every hit

Hardly a problem, in my experience at least. Lightning’s 25% damage increase against Sandy targets is nothing to scoff at; for a magic that is so comically easy to land hits with due to its speed, you can capitalize off of almost every single application of the Sandy status you cause. Sand is an amazing neutral element; its stats are practically the definition of ‘solid’. Alternating between using Sand for neutral game and Lightning to essentially get free damage after every Sandy proc is an incredibly simple and effective combo.

I’ll consider it

but how do I make technology warlock build viable?

by being good at the build?

Your fighting style or Lost/Ancient magic of choice would definitely have to supplement either Iron or Lightning. Vampirism or Sailor’s Fist would be my reccomendations.

maybe I just need to expand my pallette a bit :sweat:

:plasma_magic_var2: / :lightning_magic_var2: ?


how about the other one I put out?

(assuming AO plasma)

on early access you’re only gonna get one magic. And even then with updates, unless it actually ges to second awakening you get 1 magic. Don’t plan for two, plan for your base

well I was planning sand for my alt…

so idk what my techo warlock should be
