Recommendations for Magics

passive 20s can be very deadly


What the fuck? Are you tripping, no 20 blast can be “very deadly”, if you’re taking majority damage from that shit you have a skill issue. Moreover, how the fuck can a 20 blast be passive, or even used passively, bro is making up terms to explain how shit he is ong. :moyai:


I’m probably better than you tbh

ok but you called “passive” 20 blasts deadly :skull:

yeah it is, when used with casting speed

i don’t think using a “sniper build” would increase the odds of you being hit, yeah it’d be a massive cast time reduction so i can see your point, but it’s still predictable as shit nevertheless
also who uses casting speed

I use it for fun when used with good ping no one will be able to hit you, and I don’t think a person with barely any pvp experience should be talking



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passive 20 blasting doesnt really work, only way its worth it is if you’re up close

it doesn’t exist, “passive” 20 blasting wouldn’t even be a viable skill, it’s not so passive when it’s a skill you have to cast

I can beat u with a passive 20 blast fr

You think people need PvP experience to see past your tomfoolery? Please, anyone who has common sense and 3rd grade English can see what’s wrong with the stuff you say

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learn what “passive” means fr

1v1 me then

bro i one shot someone who tried 20 blasting me

aggressive 4 blasts :yawning_face:
(notice how dumb the term passive is, how can you define a playstyle like that)

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pfft, I could make up like 20 reasons to avoid or deflect this, but that’s way too much brainpower spent on the likes of you. So nah, I’d much rather touch grass

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funny how you guys think I’m serious