Recommendations for Magics

aa also had jump height, and ar now has enchants that increase magic energy and stamina

im fairly sure im right its incredibly useless now i dont think it will be much better in ao

well with a planned level cap of 1000, that’s a lot of levels to upgrade enchantments with, so it might

agility mfs moving at 4x base speed:

agility is funny af

you already move so fast in WoM with an agility set, and the fact that everything will be upgradable in AO, if not by levels than perhaps item itself, just means that there are impending nerfs

t jumping up to the sky islands

agility is gonna get nerfed so fast, i can already see people zooming at 300 mph

fr i hope it won’t because you’re kinda screwed if you don’t have stats at that level since the value of equipment goes up exponentially as you level up

blocking exists





mud magic

are you genuinely stupid enough to block a 20 blast when you have a clash advantage?
you could quite literally “take advantage” of your opponent being stupid and counter, using your projectile as it’s own makeshift blockade to prevent you from taking damage

who uses 20 bast in pvp though let’s be real :skull:


any mf who doesnt know shit about pvp would :skull:

ppl who pick wind magic thinking they will automatically be busted at pvp lol :skull:

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just high jump and 4 blast shred when they 20 blast doesnt really matter if you have clash advantage

just tell 20 blasters to hop off wom and take a shower
the emotional damage will instakill them

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