Recommendations for Magics

you literally said you don’t play wom

any discord logs they ever said that? Assuming they did on Discord?



what tf even is there to do? Go PvP until tgr releases? Just go touch grass if that’s the case

that’s not irrelevant to the argument

you kept bringing up the fact that I haven’t been playing WoM, as if there’s been any updates that changed the meta

I don’t care why you don’t play wom re tard

lacking the proper vocabulary to properly insult someone huh, you twat? Why don’t ya try changing your insults every once in a while? Makes you sound less like a 12 years old shit talking on Xbox

please shut the fuck up you fa ggot this shit isn’t even relevant to the conversation, also the reason why you are losing the argument. stop bringing up irrelevant shit that isn’t even true

you should probably stfu and leave because you really aren’t winning the argument, your just looking like a dumbass to anyone that reads this argument

That’s the spirit, I feel like shit already. Anyways, you still don’t have any solid foundation to back up your argument, care to disprove me?


does something being irrelevant need a source to you? fucking re tard

anything related to the argument, especially if you be an ass about it

what are you on about???

pretty sure everyone has a 4 blast for punishing 20 multis

how do you intend to proof that multiple blasts works? Especially with people already trying that ages ago, and the meta still doesn’t shift anywhere near it. You’d have to take my word for the earlier sentence as I only knew about it being experimented in my old guild, but it’s been about a year already, do you think no one tried this before?

yeah, idk why would you punish with 20 blasts in the first place, the point of punishing is to get free hits while your opponent are immobile or are predictable, doing a 20 makes you extremely vulnerable for no reason

i stopped using 20 blasts at level 50 when i kept getting fucked by bandits (before weapons nerf)