Recommendations for Magics

literally everyone uses it

lol, good times, when WoM was still fun to play. I remember the magic jump making it so much fun to travel

ah yes, flight

ask me to explain later

havenā€™t seen anyone use it, havenā€™t seen anyone talk to anyone about people using it, no videos of it either

you havenā€™t seen it because you donā€™t play wom and the people who make pvp tutorials are usually very ass at the game

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then Vetex had to nerf because people were using it to run or dodge I think, made PvP quite weird for a while

and when you use a 4 blast with 20 percent size it does almost the same damage as ur normal blast and you can do more than half of someoneā€™s health making it very op

I played WoM for a while when the last update rolled out. The meta and playstyles were defined by then, thereā€™s nothing to change because thereā€™s no update, you act as if anything changed since then until now. And I donā€™t watch PvP tutorial videos either, I was told just enough to understand whatā€™s happening, and the rest I got from the forum. The actual footage of guilds PvPing has no one using more than 4 blasts

yes some things has changed such as multiā€™s, and the reason why you think that is because you watch ass guilds fight, almost everyone in the entire game uses multis

also because you dont play wom

What has? Did Vetex release some shadow update or something?

I meant as in new strategies in pvp

again, they figured that out ages ago, people tried it, and they decided not to use it

alright you need to shut the fuck up when you donā€™t know shit about pvp so no one wants your stupid ass opinnion here, you can ask any good pvpā€™er that do they use multis and they would say yes. your points are fucking ass and please do us a favour and shut the fuck up.

you go ask them then, you seem to know some, wth are you doing here arguing with me when you couldā€™ve ended the argument ages ago?

are you that rotten in the brain? stop changing the topic

I canā€™t confirm it because no one from my time playing WoM actually use blasts, only to secure hits maybe, but thatā€™s it

Iā€™m telling you to end it if you can

like I said no one wants ur stupid ass opinion specially when you donā€™t know anything about pvp