Regular with 400+ hours gets caught exploiting in 4K (laugh at them)

was it a normal chest or was it a sealed one?

one of the strcutres had like 30 chests


damn i really have not been going diving
i really should try it

its pretty fun yeah, all of the structures are very very well made and its so facinating to explore them

how long were you doing these rotations for by any chance

i was doing this for like 2 hours, i remember the server was about to shut down (Becase of age) and when i joined it had like 10 hours, when i got banned the server almost shutted down and i rushed everything bc i almost completed it

wait what
(Nvm for some reason it automatically traduced to spanish)

Anti cheat gaming

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btw thanks ALOT for everyone’s support here :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

even if i don’t get unbanned i really enjoyed playing ao you are all so fantastic people

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average roblox anti-cheat moment right here

Aque you should be fine Noober is the goat. I wouldn’t worry too much. A quick log check and ur good.

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this literally just happened to one of my clan members, some minutea ago
(Got flung)

Im in his clan free my boy he did nothing wrong

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Facts thats me

I don’t even use fps unlockers for the time being because anti cheat is so shit.
I always have medal and obs running while playing. I don’t use obs unless I go afk. In that case if I getting banned while afk I always have something to fall back on.

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i have also reported alot of people and got them banned

sorry if i sound too desesperate its just that i really love this game and well that
i really don’t know what to do to prove my innocence other than saying that i swear to my life that i have done nothing

imma ask my mom if i can install medal or obs

We need this guy he is the leader of our clan and if he were to not get unbanned we would have to recreate an entire new clan, mods please unban this man and maybe try to fix your anti cheat tbh


Everybody believes you bro. Ur a regular on the forums. Outside of Testers and moderation I don’t think anyone get anymore trustworthy than that. (Level 50 vetcord users are just a bunch of no lifers cough Quixo cough)