Regular with 400+ hours gets caught exploiting in 4K (laugh at them)

man idk what to tell yall

please i have done nothing i really do i will do the unthinkable if i get unbanned just please…


alright. ill see if i am able to replicate this when i have time to do diving spots and affirm its association, and i dont really wanna say this but for now you’ll have to remain banned until further evidence of chest exploits being associated with diving spots arises. thank you for providing hefty info on this though, and if you plan on continuing to play on an alt, we wont chase ban for this. alternatively, just as before, if youre able to replicate how you got banned on your main with an alt, (and make sure to have a clipping software in the background if possible) create an appeal ticket and contact a mod asap while also linking this forum post


Hi i don’t speak that much on forums but im a close friend of Aque and i can say he’s a kind guy he speaks alot of AO with me even explained me all the AO lore, he was so excited for the release of AO and when Aque told me he got banned i got rlly surprised because he made a promise that he wouldn’t use exploits in AO hope he can get unbanned🙏

please, most diving spots have around 28 to 15 chests, doing them very quickly could have caused it

thanks alot for the support

also i did not ask my clan to do this they did this on their own, i am not trying to get pity for this its just that i really love this games and well i will be honest idk what to do if i can’t play AO

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You did say that you got 90% in about 2 hours, i have seen posts here of people taking 2-3x longer to fully complete the task, doing it too fast may be the issue

true, i had one of my clan members before in the server, he already had almost all sea strucutres, i also used a ketch with alot of speed deckahnds (Master and legendary because i have 800k fame) he sended me screnshots of where where almost all strcutures

i got the rest by the chests of the structures i was exploring, i watched alot of tutorials and all of that stuff to finally do it i had a plan and it was working perfectly

i also kinda memorized most of the chest spawns because all of the strucutres i was exploring i already saw them before alot of times

“Randomized Structures” Now thats so real

flare idk if you noticed but… he had synapse on on that screenshot lol

the fuck


is this a certified bruh moment?

sorry for not clarifing, i have never used synapse b4 i have heard of it yeah thats why i used it

i can send proof if you need


what the FUCK is going on

did you really post a screenshot with FUCKING SYNAPSE

well seems i fucked myself even i am not lying but now i will not be belived