Regular with 400+ hours gets caught exploiting in 4K (laugh at them)

Well i got banned because i was “chest exploiting” and i already got denied, if i don’t get unbanned wich most likely i won’t i will stop playing arcane oddesey, it was real nice being a part of this community farewell to everyone. If any mods see this i will gladly try to appeal again

I have been part of this comunity for so long i have donated robux, spent robux and even played more than 400+ hours but yeah that

Farewell i really loved this community and game


damn dude, better use a clipping thing next time :sob:

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Aw man, this is really unfortunate to hear. It was great having you in the community, you’re one of the OGs and it sucks that this happened. Hopefully things will eventually take a turn for the better and you’ll be unbanned.

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Another victim of shit anti-cheat?
Not under my watch


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Do not go gentle into that good night


Even tho u have no recording to show, it’s kinda insane how they just denied the request of someone active in the community for so long

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I also find it kinda messed up how we are all just saying our goodbyes to a regular without even trying to help raise awareness to the moderators.

@Artanaris could you please either look through the game logs to confirm it was an exploit, or if logs don’t exist at least give his account a second chance?

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thats what i tried but nothing, i would never but never cheat in the game i love and enjoy

Hes an exploiter


this is why i want to be unbanned, i really love this community everybody is so lovely and funny


Yeah this. this entire “show a clip of you being falsely banned” never really sat well in my head.

For me, this is the equivalent of having to record your screen everytime you play battlefield to avoid getting falsely banned by a “faulty” anti-cheat, just because you may hit a very lucky sniper shot

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a chest exploit ban

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@Aque do you have any video evidence prior to getting banned? as of currently, there has been no chest exploit ban video proof and all current proofs were fabricated, but if you dont, please send the sequences to how it occurred prior to getting banned and we’ll see if its replicable OR if youre able to replicate the ban on an alt

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Who wants to gather some alts to ban ourselves and save aqua?


It might have something to do with the diving spots as well, since they’re relatively new and probably have a lot more safeguards surrounding them (especially due to the free-standing sealed chests)


No, i am extremly sorry i got no evidence, the current pc i am playing with is my mom’s, that i can’t install medal she only letted me install roblox so i can play because my main computer broke and its very expensive to repair

I was farming sea strucutres with my clan, i was in a almost laone server and i was trying to get the new title

I was about to finish (I had 90%) when i suddenly grab a chest and get banned, the strucutre i was exploring when i got banned if i remember correctly it was one of those greek weird structures (i don’t know the name i am so sorry)

I also remember almost all of the other strucutres i visited along the way
(I also visited some diving points i found along the way)

Some of the strucutres there where was :

1 Of those crystal cave ones
2 Or 3 of the big fossil one with lots of chests
2 Of the glitched chest spawn one (the one with coral and a statue)
4 or 5 of those greek ones i told
1 Of that house ones that has alot of sealed chests
and around 4 shipwrecks

if you need anything else i will glady tell it i swear to EVERYTHING i have not touched any exploits

Sometimes, I wonder if Easy Anti-Cheat would be better for the game than whatever’s going on with its current anti-cheating system.

oh lord

hella chests