Reminders for AO (Part 2)

If they were the organization of ravenna, why would we be working with them? we have two story bosses directly related to ravenna already.

(It seems we’re working with them from all the boss interrogations)

Its again, giving me more confidence, that Talo Fort boss is one of the memebers of Order.

I have theory that Order is big bads of AO, and each sea will be like…divided between order memebers and so General Argo(dont remember his name) is one of the member which have control of the first sea.

From what it seems it looks like we’re working with the order I think

Correct me if I’m wrong but no patch note says they’re really enemies.

Seeing Mr Argo’s drops I wonder if his armor breaks in battle. Just like how the player’s armor can break in that one clip shown early into development hehe.

Might explain the distinction between his chest plate and chain mail

Maybe it breaks as he enters his second phase?


True, it looks a little off to see just chainmail, although the chainmail would occupy the top slot for a character. Which could mean different stats given between the 2 tops are different. Or the armor could be an accessory which could possibly be some chestplate.

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We’re meant to fight against order members, so it seems clear that they’re our enemies. My theory’s that The Order is affiliated with Ravenna in some way, based off the Sky Boss and General Argos both having Ravenna armour and being related to the order


2nd phase leak

And it wouldn’t be out of reason too, the sky boss has 2 phases as well so it wouldn’t be insane

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The hint bosses probably aren’t required to progress the story quests because you get hints from side quests too. I doubt normal people in the world know about the order, so the only way you’d be able to get hints from side quests would be from people who are in the order.


Vetex said somewhere that the order is going to be involved with endgame story, exactly how we don’t know, but we know that it will

To me it seems implied that every order boss is a hint boss, so I have a feeling that even the ones obtained through side quest hints have story significance as well

With how many story parts directly reference the order I’d be surprised if the bosses weren’t a core part of the story overall


I mean that you probably won’t have to fight the order bosses to progress the story quest, they’ll just be bosses you fight on your own.

You get the hints from multiple story quests and side quests, not just from one of the quests.

lets try not to flood this topic about it tho lol

Again, vetex literally said that the order will be involved with late game story

I never said they weren’t involved in story, I’m saying the bosses probably won’t need to be fought to progress the questline

Me on my way to place a note “Woman ahead, try motivate with controlled shock”


I mistapped and almost deleted this :skull: :skull: :skull:
For some reason it counts that as editing twice.

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prepare for another three days of this


Question if the testers are allowed to say this: Grab moves start with a dash in AO right? Can you use that dash in the air, or does the dash only happen on the ground? How does mid-air grabbing work?

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