Reminders for AO (Part 2)

yes, we’ve seen this in a combat video

its an aoe so its like a beam attack

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I might get tier 2 Knocking Fist and Electron Magic. Creates clouds of superheated air around them, and since Knocking Fist slows a lot they probably won’t be able to escape the DoT clouds. Grab moves with it would be very strong.

The only problem is that Vetex said when you imbue a magic such as Ice on a weapon that inflicts a status effect such as Sunken Sword with Soaked, it loses Soaked and only inflicts the imbued status effect. Assuming fighting styles work the same way, that could mean Knocking Fist + Electron would only have the Electron effects and no paralysis.

the paralysis is the effect of a fighting style, also vetex said that for weapons that already apply a status effect the weapon would apply the status effect it originally did, not the magic’s one

OH, I misremembered! Then Knocking Fist + Electron would probably be a very powerful combination… As long as the burning clouds aren’t considered a status effect (I don’t think they will be), slow + DoT cloud should be a viable combo.

reality is often disappointing

nah we are only in part 61 of the story at level 80, meaning we prolly got around 20 parts left cause the cap is gonna be at LEAST 120, so why would he place the big bad sea controller in the mid-end? It would make wayy more sense to put it at the end of the bronze sea storyline

troll account


man twice in a week?

yea, probably the same person from before

using the creator of arcane reborn’s username too

probably the same guy from before since the other guy used vetex’s username

what did he do this time

same thing pretty much

He posted racist stuff

He posted a picture of hitler and a rainbow flag with a swatstika (or however tf you spell it idk) in the middle

bro really made a whole alt account just to do all of this

then again yesterday or so a guy made an acc to just post porn so

Unfortunately, some people have nothing better to do :fr:.

Sounds like bag