Reminders for AO (Part 2)

Hover is going to make magic builds much better

FS will probably have huge mobility, jumps, lears and grabs. I’ll catch you out of midair and punch you to death

woooo let’s go my own friend arch nemesis

yay ultra realistic friend :partying_face:

we have fcking ancient spells now ???

okay so so far we currently have: rare spells, lost spells and ancient spells

did i miss any ?

New meta build?

Okay, it seems like Casting speed is now meta stat along side with Power and Defense


Hover looks like it’s gonna be absolute ass in PvP, especially against a weapon user, it would just slow down combat so much. And most testers agree that it was just used for airstall anyway so might be best that it was removed completely

Weapons and fighting styles about to become the dashy fucks with attack speed.

warlord/warrior/berserker gonna be fun as hell


Warlock winning :sunglasses:

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vitality winning

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Most definitely. I am going to be a fucking bloodborne character at this point, Gascoigne build hehe.

They probably aren’t fully planned out yet.

Vetex would never go for those rates

Also will lost spells be customizable?
If there’s a spells where I summon a sword I want to have the option to shoot multiple swords like gilgamesh

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Yeah man we get it, just wait until lost spells are made and the other base spells for magic are filled in.




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Wrong stat name. It’s Attack Speed now. Attack Speed is the combination of WoM’s Casting and Magic Speed but also applies to fighting styles and weapons. Casting Speed by itself likely wouldn’t have been much without this change, especially if it stayed exclusive to magic.

Idk how people be forgetting about the changes in stats but they’re in v1.6 if anyone needs a refresher :person_shrugging: