Reminders for AO (Part 2)

i know what we’re doing today ferb

(jk i have no freetime during school days)

but i’ll get to it eventually

Light Speed will be 1.8x in AO so with a full Attack Speed build it will be … fast

All being faster than the light will do is leave you in the darkness

I mean why should we need lost spells for magic to be good, if pure magic is so bad rn the basic spells should be buffed shouldn’t they?

in terms of overal rarity mages will probably have, it’s really good somewhat. but yeah it might be lower than that since they are decently needed skills cause we saw mages getting worked but we’ll see

but it’s better than needing 1/10k or 1/20k for lost magics or 1/20k or 1/40k for ancient magics depending on what legendary wep scroll rarity we’re going off of.
keep in mind he said this is like dec of 2021 iirc so it’s likely not gonna be like this


is there an app where i can take a gif and put text over it? im falling behind on the memes topic and i need the app

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Basic spells aren’t supposed to be good. They’re the introduction to low level magic. You can start getting rare spells as early as level 30, they’re obviously meant to play a big part in magic combat







this shit is the reason it’s almost at 10k in like 3 months :skull:



gotta get there somehow

i was held at gunpoint to count


so late game we’re supposed to only use rare/lost/ancient spells??? a simple attack like an explosion spell or a blast spell should just forever be useless???

Nobody said that, but people were also complaining how basic attacks are stale so there has to be a happy medium