Reminders for AO (Part 2)

Magic builds: Rare, Lost, Ancienst spells and magics
Weapon builds: Rare, Lost, Ancient weapons
F.S. builds: Rare, Lost, Ancient fighting styles
Vitality builds: :sleeper:

honestly cant wait for a sick ass video of this guy showing off his fight with his rival

werent viality builds supposed to get like a soul weapon motif



Iā€™m sure thereā€™s gonna be more with vitality

how can you be so sure ?

rare, lost, ancient souls

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Fighting style skillsā€¦ are REAL!



YO ITā€™S ACTUALLY REAL what the hell, Iā€™m so shocked that fighting styles actually exist niw

Not necessarily. You can use lost spells with base magic. Also, that would be pretty dumb because you would need to get something far rarer to use something not nearly as rare so it wouldnā€™t make sense.

in the trello card it says that all ancient magics spells need to be found, that is what i meant

Oh okay.

Makes me wonder, he has not added any fighting styles. Default/base fighting style getting itā€™s own skills? Here I thought itā€™d just be basic M1 punches and thatā€™s that with maybe a few pre-set skills like weapons.

rare, lost, ancient spirit weapons???

I honestly wouldnt fight a vit build mostly cause how long they could stall for like GAT DAMN DIE

Basic combat is a fighting style


Yeah so idk why it didnā€™t dawn on me that itā€™d be able to create skills. For some reason my mind just completely ignored it as a possibility.

Yeah some other people thought that skills would be preset