Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Part of me is hoping that the unique rare weapons spells and techniques are only usable on pure builds on pre release. Not to slight the other awakenings but just so that pure builds have a real identity on pre-release.


Why canā€™t I just have both?


will there be more fishing rods

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Iā€™m gonna be honest I put a random image here but you can play savant


no I was talking about two different files

I mean I guess that works too, jus have fun while you do it i guess

I agree for the sake of the pure builds, but disagree for the sake of paladin

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Wouldnā€™t this go against vetā€™s plan for most early game spells and stuff to be accessible at level 30 earliest? To make them only usable for pure builds on pre release the spells would have to have a stat requirement of over 125 in a stat, which is only accessible at levels over 63 at earliest

not all of them have to be available at level 30



The fact that early game rare spells and techniques will be availible as low as lvl 30 isnā€™t incompatible with the first ones added to each being relatively higher level. Like on release we could get a move unlocked at like 160 points or smth and then an update or so later when he works on the rest of the rare spells, techniques, and weapons he had planned vetex could make those ones available from lvl 30 onwards

My thing is that having something unique to pure builds would be a good ward against people complaining that they donā€™t have a distinct identity (which they do but isnā€™t gonna be that obvious on pre release) ofc that uniqueness would be washed away (as intended) as the game updates and they do come into their own.

edit* called weapons abilities (how do you even do that?)


my thought exactly, those two things are not mutually exclusive

v1.10.81 has been published


I can only wonder how fucking hard cannon fist is cause theres 23 magics x by however many cannonballs there are so like 10 x by 4 for every skill (not counting mode or air step I dont think they would use cannons balls but ima + them anyway) so thats about jesus 922? (that cant be right I mean literally I dunno how to do math). still big number

Donā€™t worry about that, he doesnā€™t have to hard code it for every possible combination. As he should after doing it once it works for everything. Thatā€™s called a modular system and if he is not doing it this way he is dumb.


With how many different magics there are to outnumber fighting styles I can see this being incredibly difficult
And now imagine how difficult it would be for him to do this for weapons, or how long it would take

I think thereā€™s actually the same amount of fighting style techniques and weapon techniques that need the effects. There are 6 fighting styles, each with 6 technique types, so in total thatā€™s 36 techniques to add the magic effects too. And I counted a total of 35 (36 if counting seismic slash, itā€™s questionable since itā€™s a strength weapon) weapon skill types. I donā€™t think Vetex needs to add the effects to each individual weapon, like old, then iron, etc. Because weapon skills donā€™t really differ in appearance a lot between quality unless you have the weapon aura. So itā€™s just the 35-36 skill types.

I donā€™t remember how much there is magics, so you should also 36 * amount of magics, cuz every magic have its own effects, which will be very annoying when he will be adding lost\ancient magics.



2/3, just thermo left