Jewel crafting info (making this a pop down so i dont flood)
the journal in question
Another abandoned Ravenna related journal, or maybe a different kingdom?
General #3 of the Ravenna Realm?
it was there already, check action logs
So whats the shovel and fishing rod stuff about? Those gonna be new proffesion themselves? Like Treasure Hunter & Fishmonger?
Last update set I was unsure what gems would do, the dark sea update makes me unsure what the shovel/fishing rod do.
It is 100% not profession related because it would be mentioned as an upcoming feature in the 1.14 list (professions are big), also who tf would get like shovel speed over alchemist or cook profession
i guess were gonna get fishing/digging stats, probably would just lower the cooldown on shovels and the lure time on fishing rods, but idk if were getting professions anytime soon, probably after nimbus sea
AO is becoming runescape 3
Well if fishmonger gives higher sunken chance then I could see someone picking it but treasure hunting has nothing worthwhile just yet.
Also, do you think we will be limited to one proffession or just a couple?
depending on how overpower they might be ig, if its something like this
then probably just one