Reminders for AO (Part 3)

ae i know that.

compared to every other class, as the class is a jack of all trades, it’s good at stuff but not great.

its bad, if its bad the way it was why nerf it. there’s not much point.

Oh sweet massive discussion in reminders

well theres no way to buff balanced savants when specialised savants abuse the reduced requirements so much. its a step in the right direction, because the possibility of going 59% in one stats with nearly everything unlocked is the only reason savants ever got nerfs. with that gone, normal savants can get the changes they need

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You did’nt see what happened in balancecord…

nah i get reducing savant tiers

but im not sure how to feel about the 40% lock on stats.

50% would be cool tho

ah sick. i’ll take that

Nooooooo my 149 vitality savant is gone

we get better things

You mean we will get better things???

Cause rn we’re kinda limited to old weapons.

uh no? unless youre talking about savant in which it wont be good until 2nd awakening

we get new unique items, rare spells and stuff, easier access to potion reagents, and new enchantments


Are you saying this next update will finally give us spells that don’t require us to be mages?


yea, there should be some rare spells that don’t need 160 magic to use

I stole my own credit card what does that mean

What the fuck is this shit

its gone now don’t worry

This right here is what I believe will make up the ‘bulk’ of the work time on the Dark Sea update. Unless the ahead-of-time prep by builders making Dark sea islands helps alleviate some of this, I think the random spawning islands is a system that’s gonna be the crux of the update. Once this is done, we’ll be able to see some of the new stuff on the horizon and finally get a better idea of when the update is coming.

I hope he spends 3 months only adding stuff to the random gen fr


I wonder what has been done with the megastructures at the moment since i’m unsure if they’re underwater at all