Remove agility please

roses are red
violets are blue
agility’s removal
is long overdue

it’s so unhealthy for the game
i will write vetex a love letter and ping him if he actually removes agility on full release

“b-b-b-b-b-but what about the pve players :pleading_face:
you’re welcome to debate with me why but atp not much is gonna change my mind


AO is a PVE game and PVP is mearly an afterthought to keep the engagement up during content draughts.

I made my statement, I’m done.


soooo the vast majority of the game’s target audience?
its unreasonable to say it like this when the game is targetted towards PVE, most players are PVE, and PVP is entirely side content which is (as said by vetex) effectively there just to keep players up between updates. This isn’t Deepwoken where PVP is either part of your progression or is the end goal (if its not the end goal its a PVE build, which is only useful for getting items for PVP builds)

theres nothing in regards to PVE that would also rationalize agility’s removal

not to mention if agility gets removed we’d have to replace it with a new stat on every armor that has it and i swear on my life if its armor piercing on any of them i think id actually lose my mind

agility has no negative impact on PVE and its not like agility is entirely unbalanceable for PVP (ive said my own ideas a few times before)

youre disregarding PVE because its the biggest reason why you wouldnt want to remove agility (and also the biggest part of the entire game)


I agree but

shit take never cook again just give us a base speed buff equivalent to 70 agility

If you don’t care, why are you mentioning it?
You do care, and you’re tired of pretending you don’t
Also pve is literally the entire game


roses are red
violets are blue
pvp’s removal
is long overdue

it’s so unhealthy for the game
i will write vetex a love letter and ping him if he actually removes pvp on full release

“b-b-b-b-b-but what about the pvp players :pleading_face:
you’re welcome to debate with me why but atp not much is gonna change my mind

fixed it 4 u :grin:

joking aside I’d be fine with agility’s removal since it would be one less substat to have to agonize over when making a build. BUT ONLY if the base movement gets compensated like señor_hyperspace’s proposal, slow movement in an open-world exploration game like AO makes me want to blow my brains out


pvp is side content we shouldn’t prioritize pvp over pve because that would probably screw over pve

dw exhaustion will save us when that gets added in 9 months

like it or not pvp is still a big part of the game

the one thing i don’t get is why people act as if agility being removed will completely ruin pve

it won’t

compared to world pvp being way less frustrating, the downside of… having to take 5 extra seconds to dash across an island is not that big of a deal

weird comment
are you trying to personally attack me?

you can just make one message and quote each one individually yknow

again, i don’t get this
base movement in ao is already insane why are yall acting like removing agility means removing t jumps and dashes

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exhaustion mechanic sucks balls but i’ll welcome it atp if agility aint being removed

oh shit lmao mb

Because agility is smth that stacks up in the long run
Right now, it doesn’t do much
But over the course of like a few hundred hours, it saves multiple hours worth of running around

Also Atlanteans following you at Mach fuck

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you’d gotta be playing for way too long for it to stacku p that much

300+ hours across 2 files
Also considering the player is grinding and stuff, we’ll probably sit around the 1200 hour mark at the end of the story (also featuring in just general exploration and sidequest completion)

Not to mention if we stay after the storyline has ended, whether for events, grinding gear or whatever

My point is, that’s a lot of time, and a lot of time that could be saved

dashing and t jumps go like no distance at all