pretty sure that’s not how it works
you get the status effect from a T1 drinkable potion and you’re 100% immune to all love effects for its duration, which, if you leveled up your brewing and/or used a decent catalyst, is going to be longer than 3 minutes.
aint the whole point of higher tier love potions to override lower tier ones
i would hope, idk tho since i don’t think i’ve ever even used one besides on npcs and that was like a level 1 pot
3 char
The Balance Team actually just recently added a change to the trello where Attack Size is going to be fully additive instead of being multiplied by your size affinity
Idk how much it’ll do to solve the problem but its something
Nah that’s fake, there’s a thermo buff on there
i still want agile evasive builds to exist
yeah, i think ultimately whether agility gets buffed/nerfed or whatever, it shouldn’t just cease to exist, it’s both less convenient for travel and makes pvp much less dynamic in general. i like there being a defensive duality between tanking/blocking attacks vs dodging them
vent vent VENT!!!
This is as actually good thoe i think vet will cook stuff like moves specific to each class that they can use to counter agility.
Not my alt, but I approve this message! Vetex is killing his game by not removing agility. Currently we are stuck in the most unfun pvp meta that has ever happened in this game: agility and regen.
If any of you disagree you are objectively wrong and I encourage you to come 5v1 my agility regen build with your size mages that you THINK are meta. I will win 100% of the time.
What the fuck is that?
Is that what I FUCKING think it is?
I do realize I am ages late to this part of the discussion but I tested and while you have the love effect it straight up doesn’t let you drink a love potion, however drinking one pre-fight will make you immune to love gel no matter the tier.
So if a ganker has the foresight to drink a love potion before jumping someone they can negate that strategy but otherwise I think they need a higher tier potion (I don’t have nearly enough life remeant to test)
The prophecy… It was true…
buff base movespeed now
Let me guess… no compensation