Remove Lord Elius from the game

me m1ing half the bosses to death with a swift old katana:

“huge skill check” huh?
bro I had to lower my graphics to 1 to even see him through the effects. I destroyed the pillars, he’d just hang above them. I got good at dodging everything EXCEPT for those literal undodgeable sniper bolts of lightning which would catch me right after the spear that’s insanely hard to dodge.

how the hell is that a skill check if I learned how to dodge him but he kept luckily dodging my attacks or would hit me just as I lined a shot up


weapon m1s be like:

for me, he kept aiming his spears way above me when i wasn’t moving at all and NEVER used his lightning beam after he used it once during the start of phase 2

try staying like 66% of arena’s diameter away from him at all times, i think the lightning beam only comes out if you stay too far away

i had to team up to beat him because his lightning effects were so bright and massive that i couldn’t see anything, so half the time i was just shooting in the direction of the giant lightning aura teleporting around the arena, and it hurt my eyes. the fight itself was enjoyable (other than the flashbanging) but it seems super hard to win with builds that don’t have good ranged options at low levels, like berserker or juggernaut.

General Argos’ visual effects were easier to handle imo, but the fact the game (seemingly?) locks you into the fight should be probably changed, because it keeps you from leaving to level up and then coming back to beat him.

I beat him while being melee strength build at level 50 or so and it’s honestly not too bad you just need to utilize blocking and parrying (Press G). Fight him more until you learn his attack patterns and it will get easy with time. It took me around 10 tries to beat him.

Press G to block and parry! Blocking reduces damage by half and parrying reduces damage by 90%

Parrying is mid real players dodge


Oh I did that too, I thought everyone knew to do that

Also, it is a skill check though. You recognize the patterns after a while, and learn to dodge them. All the attacks are really simple, and you just need to know when to go on defense and offense.
In particular though, I do recommend getting high hp gear to tank through some hits.

If you’re struggling this much on the third boss, I’m really worried as to how much youre gonna struggle on the last boss of the Bronze Sea

weapon m1

He’s got like two attacks that he’s stuck in place after he uses them for a while. Use those, or just like equip some guns I’ve got a friend who told me that really helps. That’s what’s great about warrior builds you can change up fast


average american vs lord elius be like:

Gun. If that dont work, use more gun.

No joke, dual flintlocks deal a stupid amount of damage with a high weapon stat, especially the q skill, rapid fire, their normal fire also does strong damage

eilus will gladly stand still on a pillar while you fill him with lead, duck into the cave just outside the arena for a bit to recharge energy and reload, repeat.

U can cheese Argos by just going outside of the door and spamming placed explosions at max AOE. Lady Carina is just annoying tho I’m just done with the game until I can find a group to beat her with

Knight can use guns

Shoot him

Remember, there’s no shame in leaving and coming back when you’re stronger. If there’s one thing I’ve learned playing Elden Ring, it’s literally that. If you can’t beat a boss, leave and come back when you’re a higher level.

But a legitimate tip: Destroy his pillars. That stops him from jumping between them and the fight becomes a lot easier.

Lady carina is the easiest boss in the game imo If you are dying to her I would suggest getting higher level or upgrading armor

maybe i was over leveled but he was easy for me

“Remove Lord Elius from the game!”

King Calvus IV in the corner: