Renown changes discussion

My take from this is.

If you’re mad you can’t kill npcs to bank in millions anymore, Learn to fucking fight

My god this comment section makes me sad.
You guys will put SO MUCH WORK into getting hundreds of thousands of renown.

But refuse to take even a moment to consider that you are basically signing up to be hunted.

This is like telling people who hates clan rkers to just not be in a clan.

“Oh but clans don’t have benefits”
They do. They’re also pve benefits. Which is ironic because nothing about clans have to do with pve.

but pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooox, we need that +3 ship speed from upgrading 3 deckhands to legendary (3 deckhands x 1 additional stat)!!!

Erm akshully swift enchant is what increases Shii speed :nerd_face::point_up:

If they want to do only pvp for deckhands go ahead, but making it harder for others who don’t want to pvp unable to escape from island-size combat activation without losing now even more renown is not fair for people who don’t want to.

When you get above 200k renown you sign up to making yourself an open target for people who pvp and want to get easy renown.

Either get better at escaping with the new shards that can give you 12 shards of pure agility, or just learn to fight back.

You can NOT like pvping and also be CAPABLE of defending yourself from players.

You can fight rivals and they’re level 130, a level 125 player will be around that power.

In the end. You worked for the renown, You got your renown that high, You now have to face the cons of having it.

Fight or flight, adapt and overcome, remember that you have options when someone is attacking you.

Tl;dr “It is what it is”


Finally somebody talking some sense into these pve demons

It’s irritating honestly.

The fact that these mfs will say they hate pvp SO GOD DAMN MUCH yet will gladly kill an npc that’s supposed to SIMULATE AN ACTUAL PLAYER 500 FUCKING TIMES with their only justification being “me want fast ship :3”

Pisses me off because I have to keep wording these arguments to not say “if you can’t fight players you don’t deserve to play the game” but rather “if you’re going to spend hours fighting an npc that’s on YOUR LEVEL OF STRENGTH for multiple days on end, that’s fine but just know you will have to fight people too”

Like fucking hell these people are TERRIFIED of dying in a game.
There’s not even permadeath. You just lose a portion of fucking galleons!

It’s insane I’ll tell you.

I have calculated the pve renown gain according to the new changes (this assumes you have a rival or fighting a lvl 100+ npc, which mostly gives you 1500-2600. We will be using the maximum)

500k+ = 1300 renown
1mil+ = 650 renown

To get from 500k to 1mil, you will need kill 769 npcs instead of 192 with the old gain, assuming you are not saving/plundering castaways, agora, or ship farming.

1mil to 1.25 mil will take 384 instead of 96.

Grindier? Hell yeah it is! But does that force you to be pvper? Thats your choice. And wanna know something, you only lose like 4k to 10k, (100k if you are unlucky) of renown if you get ganked. Getting combat logged is a another story.

Besides I am only disappointed with vetex not decreasing the rates for deckhands but oh well, we will just have to wait.

Anyone who is getting legendary deckhands, you still have time.

ok but why sail across the map in 5 minutes when I can do it in 4? Not having max speed is always super tedious

then learn how to pvp. if you want to minmax something in a game be prepared to have to use every skillset in that game to do it.

i mean yeah but do we really need to gatekeep speed behind 1 million fame?

why not? gatekeep a little bit of everything behind a little bit of everything. that way you’re encouraged to explore each and every aspect of the game if you want to be the greatest

npcs dont know how to airstall. Generally you can cheese a level 130 npc pretty easily

well he raised the rival levels now,
no easy renown anymore

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