Renown/LB change

Renown/LB change
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

This suggestion is about the renown and LB (as seen in title) and seeing what hopefully might be better for both sides of the PvE PvP community split.

Capping Renown: I’ve seen this a couple of times. it seems that PvE players don’t care about renown too much but for PvP it matters more. Many LB players have high renown, but gank to get there. So we soft-cap renown at 100k. This is because the only thing that requires renown as of now is ranks within GN and AS. so we change the rank scaling with all the renown ranks (or leave it that works too).

Going Over The Cap: To go over the cap, you have to either

  • Bounty hunt other players above 100k
  • Duel others in a separate game mode

The first one is mostly self explanatory, bounty hunting people who are open to being hunted. If you are at 100k yourself, hunting another person with 100k would push you above 100k. failed hunts will not raise the other persons bounty unless they are also ABOVE 100k (to stop PvE players from accidentally going above). If you have 100k+ hunting lower renown players only gives a couple galleons (like 50). All methods of raising renown stops at 100k but work as normal up until then (50k renown hunting a 40k renown still works, NPC bounties etc.).

The second part is a dueling game mode. Think of any dueling game mode in other games (chime of conflict, GPO). Some kind of hub that would allow you to duel others (off topic. trade hub?). likely just 1v1’s on a 3 life system. depending on the KDR decides renown gain/loss (3:0 is 1/3 a bounty hunt, 3:1 is 1/2, 3:2 is 2/3)

This change would ideally actually measure the skill of a PvP player (some builds are brain dead but its better then them being bad) so that LB players are actually a threat. This would also allow a place for PvP players to run ones (since elysium is tester only rn). This also leaves bounty hunting as a relevant feature as it gives more than the duels as it takes more time and should give a little more than it does right now.

PvE players now have to worry less about being hunted as after a while most PvP players will be above 100k and wont have an incentive to hunt lower renown players unless they are just trying to be toxic do to no renown and low pay (again 100k+ still gives high pay and renown). PvE players may not be able to get on leaderboards but there were only a couple who were actively trying to get there.

TL:DR LB is now skilled, PvP players have less incentive to gank/hunt lower renown/levels, PvE should be a little more peaceful unless people are just toxic. Not a PvP toggle.


can you please define the acronyms I don’t understand what LB is so I can’t vote or rate yet…

LB stands for how many pounds your character weighs. in summary, this suggestion is suggesting that the only players who should be overweight are pvp players


I totally and completely beleive that:|


waht about GPO, TL, DR, and KDR

they were talking about other games when they said GPO, so i assume it means grand piece online or else i have no clue. TL:DR means too long didnt read. KDR means kill death ratio

thx ig (get it it’s more abbreviations :rofl:)

yw bbg ily

well it might help me to know those as well (my abbreviation vocab is -90 our of 10)

its best you dont


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