Reset level prompt

Reset level prompt
effort 2.846153846153846 13 quality 3.25 12 reasonability 3.785714285714286 14

thinking the russian revolution is gonna occur just because people lost their levels is an extreme, not counting levels as player data is NOT an extreme

mf we’ve barely got any major leaks at all, stop acting like the world revolves around AO now

weve seen ENOUGH

I feel like you’ve lost all reason and just want to argue at this point, you’ve been putting words in my mouth since the start and claiming levels aren’t player data.

Denying the definition of a word because of your own personal preference is an extreme.
Denying history because of your own personal opinion is an extreme.

You keep talking about extremes so much that you don’t even realize that your entire argument is built on them.
You’re probably still going to deny it because that’s the kind of person you are, if the facts don’t match up to your opinion, you refuse to accept it even if its shoved in your face.

is this a claim of defeat?

words can have varying defenitions that can be bended and stretched according to ones own needs, ever wondered why theres always a * next to certain words in advertising?

See, you’re even forming you’re own non-existent “battle” in your head. Winning an argument isn’t the goal of an argument but it seems to be something you simply can’t understand with your deficient brain.

Player data is not one of those words in this instance.

and dont say i refuse to accept anything when you literally havent budged a millimeter yourself and you claim that everything is false or incorrect

using insults in an argument, majestic!

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it is
all words can be bended and stretched

I think you have alzheimers fr now

“using insults in an argument!!! lol time to bug you over it”

You’re such a hypocrite.

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not an insult, its an inspection of him as a person, if you see it as an insult then that just shows that you look down on people with alzheimers and other mental disabilities

You would not be using it in these forms if you didn’t see it as an insult.

LOL, this shit is so funny rn

That’s true, but you can’t go as far to make “No” mean “Yes.” lol

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Closing this for a min so yall can cool off. Keep discussions on topic and at least try to be civil about it