Reset level prompt

Reset level prompt
effort 2.846153846153846 13 quality 3.25 12 reasonability 3.785714285714286 14

im not gonna sit here and argue with somebody who literally cannot see reason, youre so dense im beginning to think you could become your own planet

Despite this, you’re still yet to give a valid reason to not make it optional.

if it was forced: people will whine until they reach lvl 90

if it wasnt forced: people will whine for ages because the storyline was “too easy” and they’re never gonna experience it again on their main file

i seem to be correct with the fact that youve got alzheimers

and either way they’ll whine about something until the next update where they find something else to whine about.

Welcome to roblox.

but that amount of whining will be less

I think you forgot the one who had alzheimers.

ive already disproved those points
youre literally just acting like extremes are reality and that minorities are majorities

That’s not a fucking extreme, look at the fucking past. All of Vetex’s twitter is just people asking to bring back old games, nor have you shown data disproving it other than “omg extreme”.

How can you disprove history? I’d love to know this.

its the exact same with all other games that has had unsuccessful sequels, you can literally look at any other unsuccessful sequel-games twitter and see “please bring blah blah back!”

So you admit this shit happens?

Alright so you’re admitting that level is right by stating that there is a constant here.

Or are you just so desperate to argue that you forgot what you’re arguing about?

trust is not lost just because a game company delivers a poor game, trust is lost when promises are not kept, just fucking look at from software, they delivered dark souls 1, amazing, then dark souls 2 came and it was shit but trust was still kept and look at where they are now

Correct, vetex promised to not wipe player data.

i do not count levels as player data, its so god damn tiny and irrelevant

Like the trust of saying player data other than cultural and boss items would be kept.

same thing i said to boss, i do not count levels as player data as it is so inconvenient

5 hours for the average player is a lot of time.

Then you don’t know what player data is, or, as i said earlier, you’re just that desperate to argue.

Then you’re uneducated on how English doesn’t care about what you consider the definition of certain words are.