Restore Merlot's and Kai's past renown gain upon defeat

Restore Merlot's and Kai's past renown gain upon defeat
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 4.666666666666667 3


Okay, everyone know about good ol’ merlot and kai cheese, that player used to lvl up fast and get their loot and easy +1k renown. Standing in specific locations and damaging them through wall, and even tho their current state makes them invinceble even if ther lower part is not in your line of sight, its the best we have as of now.

But, not that it has been fixed, and people fight the in a intended way, should’nt the renown reward for defeating them be reverted back?

Reveting the renown game

Intended amount for defeating those 2 minibossess was 1k if im not mistaken, and it was reduced due to players using not intended methods of defeating said bosses. But now that we are left ONLY with intended way of killing them, should’nt the renown reward be reverted to intended as well?



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Definitely agree, in fact this seems like an obvious change so hopefully its already planned for the first update

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I believe they both will give 5k Renown next update if you look a few patch notes after v1.1.9.


Yeah, now that you can’t cheese them they’re pretty much just like old WOM captains.
Auto aim attacks, little to no punishment windows. They should give more renown.


Its not that they need more renown drops, they just need to be less unreasonably strong.
Kai does 427 damage with attacks he can spam out and Merlot can create deadly gas clouds that cause incredibly high DoT… assuming you aren’t near instakilled by getting hit by the multi blast to start with.

Why are they both stronger than every main boss combined when their drops start at level 60?

Yeah, that’s the thing I really hate about Vetex’s side boss design.

Since there’s less effort on the side bosses, they tend to be REALLY unbalanced. If you’ve ever played AR or AA, and you made to the sky islands, there’s a side boss that gives you a free magic horn.
The problem is, all of his attacks are autoaim. That wouldn’t be a big problem if the boss wasn’t a light user, meaning he dealt 400 DMG with autoaim. Fair and balanced, right?

It’s the same in AO, sadly. The bosses have auto aim, and they get to use regular skills, which leads to them being unbalanced because they deal a colossal amount of damage and also because there isn’t a real easy way to understand how to beat them.

Other main bosses have auto aim, yes, but at least you can obviously see how you’re supposed to win.

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fair and balanced 500 DMG not including DOT auto aim blast(no cd btw)

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61 damage per second cloud that constantly keep growing

This has been planned for a while lol

oh yea that was a fun boss, I loved it when he spammed no cooldown divine shower.

How do you get suggestion Role? Also I agree

I mean the point is that they’re high ranking members of those organizations for a reason, they’re also holding absurd drops

basically we’re not meant to fight them yet. if we were at around their level it would be much more fair than fucking Harrison

too much, to be honest

want high renown? just get good at one boss
don’t need to play against players, where you’ve gotta travel across the damn sea or just look for them in the middle of it for maybe a little higher than that when you could just farm the same guy over and over

also, people WILL find a cheese even if explosive barrels are gutted against them

Tbf their renown gain will still be capped off at 100k, so they will just be good to get started before you have to start doing actual bounties.

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