Revert part of 1.14.46

Revert part of 1.14.46
effort 3.666666666666667 3 quality 3.666666666666667 3 reasonability 3.727272727272727 11


Details/background on your proposal

Haven’t played the update (since I am not a tester) but I know this suggestion is going to be made.

for those that don’t know

initially, it was storage kept 50% of all items placed which was good. a reasonable cost for being sunk. and allows the attacking party to profit without the losing party losing everything.

Reason to add/change

Protection from the groups which we all know and love (and some more notable clans that partake in the favorite activity of said group)
imagine if when being bounty hunted you lost 100% of your reknown.
(PVE players would love this since it is free bounty reset and prevents mutiple-hunts, LB players would despise this because it only takes 1 death to loose everything)

i mean hes right

you already know pvpers and noble members are gonna be trolling in the comments

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cmon, not all of us are assholes :sob: there are some nice pvpers

and nice noble members
@Mortomi hiiii

I’ve always been against players being able to just steal another player’s loot that they grinded for with the attacker having done absolutely NONE of the work to get that loot and completely denying it from the person who did.
Unfortunately, I see no good way to completely negate it, so this is a great compromise.

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counterpoint - if you lose everything normally why should you lose only half for going between seas? it’s just kind of weird that the blue barrier just gives you a little protection for no reason. You’d have to make a normal sink only take half of your stuff to make it consistent, or just have that weird inconsistency in there.


<insert obligitory, if you agree why aren’t you voting>

you see this implies that they are able to read. and comprehend what they are reading

i mean i dont see any reason for the storage to only lose half when sunk but any other time you lose everything
the storage aint supposed to be a better version of having your stuff on deck, its just how he managed to transfer sealed chests and cargo from one sea to another


I thought it said that anything placed on deck immediately went into storage
also this makes the game nicer for PvE players who get hunted by PvP players (it isn’t like the PvP players would pickup even half of the chest on the PvE ship anyways. so might as well let them keep some of their hard work, like with my example for bounty)

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It Takes a Lot less time to get 100 Cargo than almost any amount of renown

it feels about the same imo
I see some pvp people loose 20k reknown (that is 10 npc hunts in my mind)
and shrug it off

You know what else is a reasonable cost? Keeping it the way it is right now, and applying this logic to cross sea sailing. Your arguments are basically Rkers, and something that does not exist.
Not to mention this mechanic technically gives you infinite cargo storage since you can buy cargo, fill your deck, cross the sea and then refill for more cargo. Although, admittedly, this mindset will only work if you can actually use the cargo inside the storage, or take it out of storage for ship repairs. Thankfully there is no indication of this, but if this is possible then this needs to get changed by introducing some form of drawback or cap with the storage.

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On a Brig you can do that while sailing around pretty easily

i love wasting the limited amount of time people have

i do not care about the contents of this post just GIVE US OUR 50% GRAHHHH


Y’all are not gonna win, Vetex is the type of guy to see this gaining traction, call you all dumb and say, “Why would cargo in storage work differently than cargo on your deck?”
Bro, your ship is still being DESTROYED, you don’t deserve that cargo if you can’t defend it. Value your precious time doing cargo runs? Run speed deckhands w/ a speed focused Brig. You’ll out-speed everyone that isn’t running a max swim speed build, they don’t even require that much work from you beyond leveling them up. Hell, it’s gonna be easier leveling them up in Nimbus since the NPC ships there can spawn at a much higher level than you, and if people can beat Atlantean Heavily Armored Brigs then you can beat a couple Armored Brigs in Nimbus with access to repairs.

i don wanna ):

k so like can i enjoy the game without getting sunk ty bro :heart_hands: