does anyone here have any tips on how to make art more edgy? I’m not talking about this one (it doesn’t need to be edgy to please the revon fans) but I’d really like to have an even edgier artstyle (yknow for morden)
- Insanity
- Horns
- Wings
- Smokers
- Depression/eye bags
- Black finger-nails
- Black cloak
- XXDarkLordemonRevonXX
- dark blade
- Insanitic purple eyes
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
Hey, How’s your brother doing?
hi im not that late this time
What’s xxdarklordemonrevonxx
I am screenshotting your message for scientific purposes
his other name
looking very girlish… Femvon
make them look down with less details in the eyes
To make art more edgy… uhh Kriby or use lighting to darkens the setting.
Have him beat up some random religious person for saying his brother’s passing was part of “god’s plan”
You can try and play along with some expressions! Personally I think utilizing the way the mouth looks and the way the eyes were shaped can give off an edgier vibe if used correctly
I personally used some of the mouths here, because it gives a lot of expression to the art I’m working on (for example, an angry expression, or even insane expression etc)
dramatic lighting is great for more edgier art!
Desaturated and (optionally) darker colours would help, lines can be drawn more roughly to hit that feeling of angstiness too, perhaps more detail to the face could help?
revon thinking about how…how… it seeks.