Reworks Towards Detrimental RNG Mechanics in the Dark Seas

Reworks Towards Detrimental RNG Mechanics in the Dark Seas
effort 4.266666666666667 15 quality 4.588235294117647 17 reasonability 4.761904761904762 21


Every single player that has interacted with the dark seas (all of us, I assume) has probably died to complete and utter bullshit at some point or another, this is not ok, dark sea runs are often times no small time investment.

Lightning has, for the most part, been fixed.
Water poisoning remains untouched as far as I can tell.
Wave sweeping equally remains untouched.

Water poisoning is undeniably complete RNG bullshit that randomly decides to deal massive % damage to you upon receiving the soaked status effect until you die or make it back to your ship, it is completely unfun and detracts from the entire experience.

Wave sweeping, the least talked about, and in my experience, by far the worst offender in this regard (even including pre-nerf lightning) happens when a wave hits your ship and randomly decides to drag you off of the ship with you not being able to do ANYTHING about it.
If you get water poisoned and get swept by a wave, you’re fucked, if you’re fighting atlanteans and get swept by a wave, you’re fucked.
Plain and simple, the second either of those things happen you’re just doomed and there’s nothing you can do about it, and that is not ok.

So I’d like to see both of these mechanics reworked to not be completely unpredictable RNG bullshit.


1: Water Poisoning Rework

Water Poisoning should be reworked to function off of a bar akin to the oxygen bar, when it fills up, you start taking damage.
Swimming in dark sea water would fill the bar at a decent pace while being in the rain would very slowly passively fill it.
Using the bath completely resets the bar and makes you immune for a while.

In addition, healing potions at and above tier 3 should ALSO reset the bar and make you immune for a decent time.
This immunity should be a visible status effect with a visible timer.

Very importantly: Water poisoning should be completely incapable of killing the player on its own, and if they survive through the effects, even if they’re left at 1 hp, they should be able to continue regenning as normal and survive with the bar reset, albeit not paused.

Water Poisoning Tl;Dr :
Make it a slowly filling progress bar, allow decently high tier healing potions to cure it, and remove its ability to kill entirely on its own.

2: Wave Sweep Rework

When a wave tries to sweep you off of your ship, you’re given a brief moment to spam click to resist akin to escaping a whirlpool or fishing.
Your ability to escape should be dependent on your total overall stats, rather than just strength
(this should apply to whirlpools too, whirlpools should not be a death sentence just because you don’t like fighting styles)

When you successfully resist a wave or are completely swept by a wave, you become temporarily immune to wave sweeping.
This immunity should also be a visible status effect with a visible timer.

Food status effect levels, swimspeed jewels, and ironskin potion effects should also make you more easily able to resist wave sweeping.

Wave Sweeping Tl;Dr : Gain the ability to escape waves like whirlpools to avoid being taken off of the ship in the first place, be able to do so based on your overall stat count alongside certain status effects, become temporarily immune to wave sweeps after dealing with one, successful or not.

Its always been my personal belief that when you lose in a game, you should always be able to look back, see what you did wrong, and see a solution.
These two mechanics are quite simply not that, they’re just RNG nonsense that need to be reworked one way or another.

The only reason either of these mechanics would stay as they currently are is if vetex is planning on turning the dark seas into some kind of rage game RNG nightmare for some ungodly reason which I sincerely doubt is the case.

Edit: Clarification and grammar.


autoclicker users:

Pretty good suggestion :+1: (pls don’t change water poisoning cause it’s funny when forumers rage about it :sob:)

its funny until it hits you when you’re carrying 235980 dark sealed chests from a 35 hour dark sea run!!!

I never had an issue with waves, it’s rare that you get up from your ship and get swept by a wave that you couldn’t see, every time I got swept away and almost died it was because I got up to check the egg tome or stuff like that. Water poisoning has been problematic since release and Vetex is weirdly adamant about it.

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you running to your ship like all your time depends on it:

ily theoretical (platonically)

waves be annoying as hell but did yall know if you blocked before a wave hits you it doesnt drag you

i don’t like the concept of having to spam-click to get out of waves (or do anything really), but other than that

i would rather have to do something annoying for 3 seconds than get my run ended over rng

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thank you for mentioning waves, imo it’s worse than water poisoning or lightning

i love getting hit by a desynced wave that carries me the entire length of ravenna away from my ship!!! then when i’m released by that wave i have to somehow swim back without drowning or getting hit by another fucking wave that will carry me another fucking ravenna’s distance away from my ship

it was the biggest annoyance when i was trying to find the epicenter
waves were so big and desynced in the i4 range that 9/10 getting off the steering wheel was condemning yourself to immediately getting railed by a million waves

On god, one wave and its over unless you have water breathing 5

have you considered breaking a wall and standing in the hole?? duh

that mechanic straight up doesn’t work over half the time.
either the wall doesn’t break or it doesn’t stop water poisoning.

wait does this actually work?
It doesn’t help much since the only time I’m standing is to repair the ship with a hammer but it would be nice for literally any other situation.

Ingame I am a germophobe! Every time I go to I1, I bathe every like… 1 minute because I have the fear that ill just take damage from water poisoning! I really love the exploration in I1… But yesh, seeing a watwr poisoning bar would helo me manage…

I’m honestly surprised you don’t get a Escape pop-up whenever you get caught by a wave, just like with whirlpools. Also, I think making water poisoning a passive debuff instead of constant bleed would make it a lot more tolerable than what it is rn.

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Finally someone mentioned waves, they are almost as much of a problem as lightning and water poisoning.

I’m not a huge fan of the whirlpool spamclick minigame, but that’s just because my fingers are not warmed up whenever it happens. Adding it to waves would be a passable way to fix it.


The only reason I don’t like this minigame is because most of the time it straight up doesn’t help you because its escape chance scales off of your strength stat for some ungodly reason.

I do not enjoy fighting style builds and being actively punished for that feels extremely bad.

I totally agree with what you say for water poisoning, as it is, it’s sort of silly and way too unpredictable. As a feature it feels like it was tossed into the dark sea because it needed more early hazards. I think having it function as a visible bar is a great idea!