Roblox Game Sharing Party

talk about dedication :pray:


Dungeon Quest, but being late to the party isn’t gonna halt your progression. Basically, solo grinding after just unlocking a dungeon is actually possible. Also features relatively hard boss-fights due to the inclusion of movement prediction (assuming you enable hardcore / heroic).
I am very aware that the game went free months ago, but I didn’t post about it until now.

Hard as hell Singleplayer (highly recommended) or Multiplayer Roguelike made only even harder due to the new v1.5 Update. Go through 100+ rooms full of randomly generated rooms and, you guessed it, Droids. Pull out your classical Sword Fighting skills and whatever abilities you gained due to your selected Class, gain items along the way, and see what awaits you at the end.

pretty sure someone posted this alr since i dont remember how did i even find this, but i want to revive this thing so…

So uhh, you remember that game concept @DubiousLittleTyp0 was thinking of?
the conecpt
Well, imagine it actually was, like, made???

honestly wish rach stuck to mech warzone updates, that game was way more fun.
too bad this game is more profitable by miles.

on another note: revival time

Isometric shooter with very small roguelike elements with tons and tons of inspiration from Hades.

Mining game you will almost definitely never complete.
Great for when you’re absolutely bored out of your mind.

Fun fighting game reminiscent of Verdant moon with the quality of Deepwoken.
Albeit there’s alot less of it.
Fight for the sake of fighting because its fun.


I played that game

my concept is way better

Wanna fight god?

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Ride of the Valkyries is truly the perfect fit for phase 3.


may i ask why…?

okay i’ll be honest rn its fine but yesterday / a few days ago it was people constantly talking about character ships along with some other people saying that they are attracted to some character and for me it was making me cringe hard

dw though from what i’ve seen there is none of them talking like that while in the actual game

That’s pathetically sfw
If there’s one you really don’t wanna join it’s the hours server (worst mistake ever made)

there’s an even worse place called the AO forums party

yesterday rb1 pulled up some joke I wrote like 4 months ago about lady carina hitting a player and then me hitting back with some joke line “equal rights equal fights”

he said based but like 2 people didn’t seem to like it and got mad at ME which isn’t fair cuz I wrote that ages ago

I just realized this might be the oldest post on the forums made by a regular user that still serves the purpose it started with.

It is not worse than the hours server

ain’t no way

Hours is worse