Robobitch Odyssey

i did it and i got banned
i did it 32 times to be exact
with my friends
was funny af ngl

Meanwhile… for context Danny was talking about stories of King Arthur


did you seriously have to ping him.
now he’s gonna do the same shit he did in the “Rogue Lineage is a bad game” topic what have you FUCKING DONE?


Ok we don’t mean harm Percy pls

sicko mode instrumental plays in the background

But can someone do cursed moments?
For the entire Guillotine Plot?
Because we are all too lazy its just going to keep stacking up

when the plot is done we do super collection of cursed moments

Called it the Supercursed Collection

stop bullying everyone…
or else
i will never send pictures of my puppies into the forums

:fr: br

Legendary knight? do I look like a fucking holy being to you?

Smh rayhan

remi cbt

We finished The Guilotine plot.
Now for a few of the best cursed/funny momentums. Trying to go chronological order here.

Too meta.

And this was how a beautiful running gag began.
More to be posted by me and the boys later.


Oryn Guillotine plot is over!
Also congratulate @BNTarwarn and @Retribution on becoming the newest admins!
You break me everytime I’m not chosen Robo :frcryin:

Anyways, Starboard.


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We go from the bottom to the top.

@ItsameTree and @The_Legend_7.0 tied with 2 stars
@Chron with 4 stars
@liu and @BNTarwarn tied with 6 stars
@Retribution with 8 stars (if u count the bot deleting Remington)
Me with 17 stars
@pristine with 26 stars
@Robotstics with 31 stars
@Danny_Zou with 41 stars
And the winner! @puck with a spectacular 52 stars, even though he was banned for like half the RP!


Remingnoballs deleted, we won the fight

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For context, Robo’s OC Arsen burnt Remington’s crotch with Inferno Magic in Early Guillotine Plot.

how many times had remington received cbt

steals 200th message