Robobitch Odyssey

Point is liking someone that much ends up spiralling, so people jump the block and call them even for normal likings

@Rake Caught in 4K


I wasn’t joking :flushed:

Here they go with this metronome bro
Oh my God
Yabadee boobeedee baba dooboop (booboop)
A shoobee daba dooboo (dooboo)
Liyaba daba dooboop (bow)
Bdooboodooboop badabadoobadooboop (yuh)
Yaba dabap yababadaba (what, oohoo)
Yaba dababadaba (alright)
It’s off the top for real, all this off the top (I feel, I feel, I feel)
I said (he’s a genius)
Womba domba
Shamba damba (shamba damba)
Shamba da mamba damba gamba (damba gamba)
Yama da llama llama chgamba gamba (voice crackin’)
Yaboo (cracka lackin’)
Soobelooboop babalooboop glabaloogoop (oohoo)
Yaga wagourt (wagourt)
Yaga damaga labaga bargourt (bargourt)
Shaga damaga dagaba gargourt (mmm)
Yooboop (ooh)
Shabadaba, yoobadaba dooboop (mmm)
Shabadaba, deeboop? (Hmm)
Shabadaba gooba like a meeboop (meeboop)
Labo labo
Labo dababo glabo gluglug guhglable lable (ooh, tongue twister)
Like gaba gaba
Yaba dasabadaba yoobabababa (blaow!)
Abalaba dooba, cadoosay (cadoosay)
Metamorphosis aporphis of morkle laborth laba gorbalib (laboratory)
Yama nama doo
Yama namama, llama gamagoot (gamagoom)
An amba beebop (gama juice)
Yaba dababada when da beat drop (beat drop)
Ayabadaba doobop
Ayabada babada wadawoowop
A woowa dasoowa damala woowop
A loowa ahsoowa lamama noowop
Ayabadaba doodoo
Shamanama gowilla famana mama soosoo
Sa so swee, samasa sasamore
A yamanama namanama
A llama llama llama llama
I’m a llama you a llama
Llama looma llama llama

Pristine has been banned.

did you have to say that out loud

everyone gets banned when

why has he been banned
I Bet it ISnt As Cool As Me (I Raided The Server Smh)
ive checked the liu simping thread
what happened with prist’s oc :V

Posted a gore vid

can you describe it rq?
like, does it have any warnings (or did you put one) blah blah and the actual content?
considering liu stopped ‘‘simping’’ for your char over a gore vid even though (from what i’ve heard) she uses gore quite a bit IRP, it’s a bit ironic
like if your gonna use gore IRP, you gotta handle gore vids ngl (which i can i think)
not sure if they still do, just heard they did it in like that one artist RP

the fuck is wrong with you.

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sex with minors

you’re joking right

you mean this?

“sex with minors”

if your taking ‘‘sex with minors’’ seriously
i dont even know

ight speaking of the gore, it’s something that would downright get you banned lol

I’m not going in details

and you’re joking about that? jesus christ

god damn
ive said it plenty of times before
nobody gave a fuck