Robobitch Odyssey

can you send the vid to me if you can get it

cut off with that shit, why would you need a gore video?

Uhmmm *Fuck Off Noob
i just wanna see what it is tbh

how about shut the fuck up

Fuck you.

*you shut the fuck up
Get betetr Grammar Rjar

Crying Rn…

Get. the fuck. out of this thread. Nobody wants to hear you going “CRY ABOUT IT” when pristine posted a video depicting someone shooting themself.

you shouldn’t put a . after the Get, and even if you did, you didn’t capitalize the T after it
also ive never even said that lmao wdym

You pretty much did. “ITS JUST A LITTLE GORE!!!”

im just saying that liu stopped simping for a char despite using gore IRP over a gore vid which is kinda ironic and giving my opinion about using gore IRP and being able to handle actual gore
gore is still fucked up

theres a difference between rp gore and video gore man

unless you count remington’s death, we’ve never really used gore

…although stol used it a lot

You’re kind of a prize idiot.

i kow but im just giving my opinion
RP gore can disturb people if done correctly
so being able to handle actual gore could lead to reference and be like ‘‘hmmm…maybe i shouldnt go that detailed of realistic’’

kind of?
am i just the idiot, or a prize or both but to a lesser scale?

It means you’re the biggest of idiots.

i cant be kind of one of the biggest idiots
makes no sense
either you mean im a big idiot or sometimes im one of the biggest idiots

ban incoming

Uhh… you guys can resume your previous argument prior to this mess (?)