Robobitch Odyssey

Hi guys my discord username is Ark

I heartily endorse this rp, great characters and worldbuilders
Please ignore the fact that “J-Hoe Ark” worldbuilt a place called radentrutz lololol totes not me

Join Robobitch Odyssey now!!!11!1
(Please let my family go robo)

I will NOT!!!

actually roleplay for once rayhan >:(

have a roleplay in my timezone for once >:(

I’m not staying up for a 3 AM typing session
ok I would but then you’d just sleeprole me

1 Like

(we wouldnt we have more ppl in different timezones)

to be fair i would

Make a character then taitc

What in the great heavens have I stumbled upon

Magnificence, that’s what.

once again join robobitch odyssey kids
we have:
horny people
people who don’t sleep
insane people
bri’ish guy who makes kailot art and suffers from insomnia
gex (wanna know what that means, come and find out)
1000 unfinished/unstarted rps of Ark
3am rps
join now



and with YOUR help we can bring that up :muscle::muscle::muscle::fire::fire::fire:
Join Robobitch Today!

You thought it was the bri’ish kailot guy… BUT IT WAS ME, ARK!!!


I guess we’re GexPosting now

What Is Blood Yapping About

levels have been abolished. billions must die

Yep yep yep yep yep this server is normal

Pls join >:)


PLEASE JOIN TODAY! (we have cookies)

EY shut up they don’t need to know :frowning: