Robobitch Odyssey

She did it twice, btw.

Give them another chance, 3rd times the charm.

I never seen slurring become part of the normal texting
they don know the weight of it…
its over

she REALLY doesn’t, not at all.

brother you have to let go

no bucko :joy_cat:

no way Bucko Drink from the hit roleplay server Robobitch Odyssey

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i want him

Is the server kind of gate-keepy?

-like, do they always ask new RPers to wait for another RP to join and then get angry when that new RPer has no idea what’s going on or what to do in said RP? Are they unserious RPers who constantly break character/just troll around in the story?

Just curious.

Oh you betcha.

Honestly my mental health increased noticeably when I left.

I did get into a lot of conflicts there, stuff wasnt really explained well to me, so many channels it could make your head spin, tons of unspoken rules and weird other hidden tidbits that just make the overall experience personally not worth it.

Not to mention the several RP groups that apparently are on different adventures at different moments but its not really clear which team is what and how I just kept bouncing between like 4 teams.

I got really frustrated easily in that server and… embarrassingly enough, maybe had a few meltdowns, like, 2 times. I kinda didnt vibe there very well at all.

It kinda scared me away from role-playing in larger groups tbh.

Can you give me some examples?

-items and inventory make barely any sense and tbh im not sure what purpose they serve because ive never seen anyone get loot that they use later on, unless they have.

-literally every character people play as except like 3 are insufferable edgelords or super shy awkward ones that make interactions or trying to get involved feel super clunky.
(I would especially know this one, the times i made characters who arent wallflowers, i always just ended up staying irrelevant. The only time i became somewhat involved was when i actually had to instigate a fight with the other characters)

You can see how easy it is for someone who has had almost zero rp experience can easily become frustrated and give up. (Me)

while i do agree the crafting system is stupidly complex nobody really uses drops because half the time people just already have stuff tailor-made for their characters

the hypocrisy is wild (also i’ve seen barely any edgy characters idk what you mean)
also in regards to getting involved, every time someone suggested a way to get involved you rebutted with “erm, introvert error” like bro, we tried to help you, you just didn’t want to listen

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What are some of the suggestions you guys gave him? I guess I could just join for myself and see, but I can’t use Discord right now.


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To be fair, doing something like that could just not be a part of the guys character… but at the same time I’ve gotta say this does not look good.

I can see some good points being made in these texts.

We did everything short of roleplaying for him

  • Made special intro moments for his characters to join
  • Went out of our way to interact and engage with his characters
  • Went out of our way on our time to help him improve his character writing and backstory
  • Not only explained how to roleplay but also found and pointed out external resources for him to learn from

Like his idea of a good way to join the story was to float around on a boat nearby, do literally nothing, and then refuse to interact with the people that came to interact with him so he could join the story and then threw a pity party that he couldn’t join the story.

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Yea, like, twice.

one person did this, you all pushed me aside.

Okay admittedly this did happen but regardless it didnt help at all in the long run.

That article kind of didnt teach me anything new.

Have you perhaps considered that making so many cliques and other weird unspoken rules can make someone upset?

I will admit, there were times i was genuinely being a prick, and im sorry for that it wasnt cool of me, and i couldve handled stuff better.

Though that doesnt mean im going to be dismissive about this, i do feel like there were times when i did try and it didnt ever work out for XYZ reasons that werent in my control.

Now im not saying to others that you shouldnt join this server, hell i really dont care anymore, if anything I hope whoever joins this has a much better time than I did, but im just sharing my experience with this, maybe im just not cut out for rps.

PopCatPopcorn Discord & Slack Emoji

Still a nice thing to do and something you had two entire opportunities to take advantage of

maybe ur char was boring lol

skill issue, we did what we could

i have been in and out of this community various times and i have no idea what you’re talking about in regards to this [esp the unspoken rules part bc everyone is fairly direct]

hardly is anything that much in your control, that’s just rp baybee