[RP][CLOSED][DEAD] Empty Invitation

I would notice Airi taking bandages out of her pockets.
“Who carries bandages at all times?”

(I also got my roleplayer role just today. Can I join too?)

I would walk up to Spencer.
“Hey, about the ink, can I borrow some?”

Airi laughed, albeit, bitterly.
“I’ve been traveling for a long time. Didn’t lose my eye for no reason. Are you telling me when you get cut by a bandit that you don’t wrap your wounds?”
She looked over the person once more, trying to determine where all the burns were located.

((Mostly asking for treatment. They don’t classify burns, but from experience just knowing when things gotta be straight amputated. Mayhaps it’s the medical need in me taking control.))

Stein would reply, “You think bandits can go hurtin’ me?”

“Anyways, you aren’t giving me ink, so I might as well find it out myself.”
I would then cast a Magic Circle, pointing it at the direction of Spencer.
“Lightning Magic: Holy Arrows!”

( it’s currently ongoing for awhile at this point, sorry! )

Spencer would be caught off guard and would take the impact of the blow. “Bloody hell,do you not know any manners?” He would take out his spear. “So unless you want this right through your body then it’s best not to bother me.”

“I’d like to see you try.”
Stein would then take out his Sword.

“Oh well, so be it.” Spencer would charge in with full speed and try to thrust the spear through Stein’s leg to cripple him.

I would try to dodge his attack, but I fail. The spear would create a medium-sized gash on my legs.
I would shout at him, “You ruined my suit!”

“Shouldn’t have attacked me like that for not giving you Ink. Next thing you should be worrying rather than your suit is your leg.” Spencer would put his spear back onto his back where he kept his shield as well.

Stein would look confused, then he had a panicked look on his face.
“Terribly sorry! I was confused. The drink I had earlier must’ve still been in my system.”

“In fact, why am I even here?”
Stein would turn back and leave the Abandoned Arena
(I need to sleep guys)

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(Well then goodnight.)

She raised her eyebrows, staring amusingly at the suited man that just got stabbed rather indignantly. How can men be so stupid at times, she wondered, letting out a small chuckle underneath her breath. She sighed, rummaged through her rucksack to retrieve the medicinal remedies she always carries, and jogs towards the wounded man.

“Pretty stupid to be instigating fights when we have a half dead man on the ground, dont you think?” Fae remarks, looking at the man up and down. She raises her arm, signalling to the bandages, “mind if I?”.

While waiting for an answer, she turns to the attacker of the suited man, eyeing the spear, “clean the blood off that. One accidental nick on your finger possesses a whole slew of infections. And keep it to yourself will you? Don’t want to be patching up every single person that ticks you off.”


Airi hummed, looking the woman over.
“Not at all,” she passed the bandages to Fae.

At least someone had their priorities straight. It’s why couldn’t stand men at times. Something about testosterone really brought out the fight in em.

“He attacked me first and I get a lecture? How nice…” Spencer would say before sighing, “But oh well,I’ll keep my temper more in control.” He then went to a bush and started using his water magic in secret to clean the tip of his spear whilst muttering swears.

“If we’re quite done bickering, there’s a more serious matter to attend to.” A new voice sounded up. It was curt, coming from a man standing off to the side of the group. “Aside from healing him, we should find out who exactly he is. Someone would probably want to know what happened to him.” The man stood there with his arms crossed, his eyes fixed on the body. At least he was still alive. That was a relief…

(so sorry for the late entrance i overslept a bit :frcryin:)

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“Good lord lads.” Arden says while letting out a dumbfounded sigh, having seen the entire situation play out and finished observing Aster’s body and wounds “I’m gonna have to need another person going with me to take him to Rivervile first to treat his wounds before another fight breaks out if that’s fine with you guys.”