Rubynmax1 Doodle Thread

I deadass didn’t even know you could quote that.
Crazy part is, it’s true!

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putting shipping glasses and historic glasses open

Okay soo… I’m into medieval history relations. And then I have an idea:

What if Winterveil and Ravenna were still at war up until calvus era. Then since both sides are sick of war, they finally made peace through arrange diplomatic marriage. Since calvus is married and have kids already, Revon is the only option.

He was forced to marry the firstborn Prince of winterveil. At first he was mad abt it, but let time tell otherwise, eh? Hope u enjoy this lil AU :ok_hand::sparkles:


The forbidden ship :sailboat:

Mmmmm this ship is cool

but that last panel is HELLA SUS-


So this is where the stash belong, never really checked it… :eyes:

oooooo That is really interesting AU tho :eyes: :+1:

The last panel kinda… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

i dont want to know

You’re getting crucified :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: /j

you think that will STOP ME?

I have 3-4 reviro art ideas yet to be unleashrd

Not going lie, but this doodle thread is getting more curse at the moment, might as well stop tracking this yall.


It’s hurting my eyes.

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Bold of you to assume anyone on this forum has standards.

Also, @FISHDOGFORTHEWINNN , pass the bleach, please.

this image brings me pain
I hate that they made Tom elongated like this for a few episodes.


Its a Hate it but love it relationship

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This is a straight up anime title and I can’t help but be hella interested in this ship, two twink princes getting married and falling in love :hugs:


Edward in an apron is a sight for sore eyes…



and Edward with heart eyes are just… :flushed: :point_right: :point_left:

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Edward is just… Mwah very guuud loyal boah

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Ruby’s hat just saying…

b r u h

It has a mind of its own