Rumours about Syndicate

Maybe, maybe not.


Both Orion and I will be playing when AO releases. As Level said Orion changed to Lightning for a better playstyle. I’m still using weapons and I can basically kill anyone really, nothing has really changed.

Me and Orion are still the top 1/2 PvPers on WoM.


Can we actually test who’s the top PvPers? Has anyone talked about ranked pvp?

Multiple times in the Guild hub, we’ve had custom tier lists from different people but if anyone knows either me or Orion they’ll probably say we’re top.

Just now: image

Why not give that a test so the random non-community players can have a shot at being big shots. I’m not just talking about people who are just involved around this place, but who knows. Maybe there’s some Phantom Forces try hard that shoots up to your level ;).

If they think they can beat one of us then sure, I’m down for any match and so is Orion but until then we’re top.

Ayyyyeee, time to see if there’s a suggestion about ranked pvp and see what the people say bout it

Before I left for AO on a 200hr file: image image


Now that’s hot :flushed:

i got a pretty similar file, except i have 300 hours and 1.2k player kills and somewhere around 100 player deaths

Yeah but did you get your kills from 1v1s in Arena? Because I did and I doubt you did. If you got most of your kills from trying to get infamy for Suncry I don’t want to hear it.

Also, let me see your KDR and Damage Dealt & Taken to/from Players.

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@Charon :

Me: Yah didn’t have to do him like that bruz. . . :flushed:

i got most of my kills from rking a bunch of people back when infamy wasn’t so hard to get, I was farming for a different guild and it wasn’t suncry because I legit joined a month ago.image

Yeah my point, I got my stuff from 1v1s not rking

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You said you wanted to see how we’ve (me) adapted to the new meta and this is the result: Streamable Video (I’m Godwin)

Didn’t expect you to bump this thread.

lol syndicate just has the issue of the skill
